USA Christian Schools Study Tour

This 6-day tour of ACSI schools in the Washington D.C. area in April 2017 is available to a limited number of European Christian school leaders. Please complete the interest form now!

ACSI - International School Visit Program

April 3–8, 2017 (Monday – Saturday)

  1. What does a consistently applied Christian philosophy of education look like in a school environment?
  2. How can the executive leadership of a school present a clear, Christ-centered leadership model?
  3. How is the mission of a Christian school reflected in the student population and in the community that it serves?
  4. Which professional development options can effectively connect the goals of instructional programs to a Christian philosphy of education?
  5. How does the environment of student learning reflect the God-given value of each child and inform quality pedigogy?
  6. How can expected student outcomes include character development, acquisition of Christian values and spiritual formation?

These are the questions that we hope to explore as we introduce you the quality Christian education in the United States during our week-long school tour. Please consider how this tour might inform your vision for Christian education in your setting and begin a dialogue with leading Christian school leaders from other countries.

Purpose of tour: 

Provide an opportunity to visit like-minded US ACSI Christian Schools and see some sights in Washington D.C.

Please indicate your interest by completing the interest form now! We will send you updates periodically and remind you about registration deadlines.


Monday, April 3, 2017
Welcome to Washington, D.C.! - The capital of the United States welcomes you to explore.
Meal Included: Dinner -
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
ACSI School Visit - Discover and learn about an ACSI school.
Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner -
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
ACSI School Visit - Discover and learn about an ACSI school.
Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner -
Thursday, April 6, 2017
ACSI School Visit - Discover and learn about an ACSI school.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial - View the site that honors the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
FDR Memorial - Waterfalls, statues, and carved quotes interpret President Roosevelt's four terms.
Jefferson Memorial - Stand beside the 19 foot high statue of our 3rd President and view the Tidal Basin.
Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner -
Friday, April 7, 2017
United States Supreme Court - This marble building houses the highest court in the land.
Library of Congress - As the world's largest library, it was designed to be used only by the U.S. Congress.
United States Capitol - View the Rotunda and visit National Statuary Hall and the Crypt.
Arlington National Cemetery - Tomb of Unknowns and Kennedy family graves are on its hallowed hills.
Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner -
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Smithsonian Museums - A gift from British scientist James Smithson that includes 16 museums and galleries.
Depart for Airport - Time to head home after an exciting journey!
Meals Included: Breakfast and Lunch -
Itinerary Subject to Change Based on Availability -


  • $964**            based on double hotel occupancy
  • $1199**            based on single hotel occupancy

Pricing includes:

  • Deluxe motorcoach transportation
  • Four nights deluxe hotel accommodations
  • Five breakfasts / five lunches / five dinners
  • All attractions as listed
  • ACTS Program Leader days 4 through 6

** Roundtrip airfare would be added to the price above. **

Download the Schedule and Registration Information Form



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