Conferința internațională SLC 2014

Inregistrati-va ACUM! Preturile cresc in 26 August! Datele conferintei: 24-27 septembrie 2014 Vorbitori: Paul Goodnight si Ken Rudolph Tema conferintei: "Lideri care iubesc adevarul"

 Aceasta va fi a șaisprezecea conferință SLC pentru elevi și a doua conferință SLC organizată în locația Zanka. Așteptăm cu nerăbdare această conferință la care vom explora tema "Lideri care iubesc adevarul" cu accent pe 1 Timotei 1, in special versetul 5. Vă indemnăm să vă rugați pentru vorbitori, ca Domnul să îi folosească pentru a comunica dragostea și adevărul Său elevilor noștri în acest an. Aici puteți accesa broșura SLC:  (în limba engleză).

Inscrierile incep in data de 1 Mai!   
Înregistrarea disponibil aici
Datele conferintei: 24-27 septembrie 2014
Va rugam sa luati in considerare faptul ca anul acesta sunt stabilite 3 preturi pentru taxa de participare...
- o REDUCERE de 10%  pentru cei care se inscriu in perioada 1 May - 15 Iunie
- pretul STANDARD pentru cei care se inscriu in perioada 16 Iunie - 24 August
- Taxa MAJORATA cu 20% pentru cei care se inscriu dupa 25 August
- NU se fac inscrieri dupa 10 Septembrie

Selectarea elevilor:
Este foarte important sa incepeti din timp procesul de selectare a elevilor. Va rugam sa analizati foarte bine cum veti face aceasta selectie, pentru ca atat elevii cat si scoala sa beneficieze la maxim de aceasta conferinta. Aceasta schimbare in pretul taxei are scopul de a va incuraja sa incepeti de acum selectarea elevilor pentru ca acestia sa fie bine pregatiti pentru acest eveniment. De asemenea ii ajutam pe elevii nostri in intelegerea conducerii atunci cand noi insine practicam o buna planificare si comunicare. Avem multe idei care sa va ajute sa ii pregatiti pe elevi pentru SLC si va vom pune la dispozitie aceste idei prin intermediul website-ului. Dorim ca fiecare elev sa profite la maxim de acest eveniment si putem face acest lucru doar cu sprijinul vostru excelent si predarea voastra impreuna cu rugaciunile voastre.
This will be our 16th year of SLC and the 2nd at the Zanka location! We are looking forward to SLC 2014 and are considering the theme "Leaders who Love Truth" with a focus on I Timothy 1, especially verse 5, "But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." Please be in prayer for our speakers and workshop leaders that God will use them to communicate His love and truth to our students this year.

Registration opens on May 1st! Remember that there will be 3 registration prices this year...
- A 10% DISCOUNT for early registrations from May 1 to June 15
- The STANDARD registration price from June 16 to August 24
- A 20% price INCREASE for registrations beginning August 25
- NO registrations after September 10

125-135 EU per persoana (O reducere de preț de 65% se aplică pentru regiunea dumneavoastră!)

  • There are good options for regional train service to the conference location (about 11€ round-trip with student ID card, 20€ full fare). See Déli pu. to: Zánkafürdő. The 12:35 train requires no changes and arrives at 15:26.
  • You must pay the parking fee for private vehicles at Zanka of 7 Euro (2000 HUF). This does not apply if you leave your car or van outside the gate.
Student Selection: It is very important to begin your student selection well in advance. Please consider now how this will be done so that it most benefits your students and your school as a whole. The change in pricing is to encourage schools to think about selecting students now so that they will be better prepared for this event.  We have many ideas for helping you prepare your students for SLC and will make more of these available this year here on our website. We want each student to get the most out of this event and this can only happen with your excellent support and teaching and with your prayers.

Conference Preparation Downloads (FINAL VERSIONS available in August):

  1. Proper Preparation for SLC - Valuable advice for a meaningful experience that begins NOW
  2. SLC Chaperone Prep Letter (pdf) - with logistics and contact information (INCOMPLETE)
  3. Chaperone Responsibilities (pdf)
  4. SLC Medical Consent Form (pdf) - required for each participant
  5. Train Schedules (pdf)
  6. Conference Schedule - draft (pdf)
  7. SLC 2013 Program Book (pdf) - (last year's conference booklet available for review)

Conference Speakers: Paul Goodnight was born in Germany and later moved to Atlanta, Georgia. He has served in music groups, on staff at Florida Bible College and now as a pastor at Reston Bible Church in Virgina since 1993. Paul is an inspiring and powerful youth speaker and has been used of God at SLC, challenging us to live lives completely committed to Christ.
Ken Rudolph was a pastor for 10 years and since 1986 has been a youth speaker, challenging thousands of young people to give their lives to Christ and make a difference for Him in their schools, communities, and nations. Ken and his wife Jinner live in North Carolina, travel extensively and inspire students, calling them to live courageously for Christ.

For school planning purposes:

Location: As you might know, we have now changed the location for SLC to a youth and conference center on the north bank of Lake Balaton. This allows us to serve many more schools and participants in a beautiful and comfortable setting about 2 hours from the Budapest airport.Zanka reception

Transportation to the conference site is available by bus or train from Budapest with stops right at the entrance of the camp. We contract charter buses to transport groups from the airport or Népliget Metro for an extra fee.

On-line registration: SLC registration is available on our website beginning May 1st. There will be additional improvements to this system from last year.

Please use your school's special registration code (sent to your school's e-mail) to begin the registration process. If you have registered for an ACSI Europe conference or SLC on-line already, you can sign in to our registration page with your e-mail and password and then start the SLC registration with your school and personal information already on the form. The cost of the conference is shown on the first page of the registration form and includes housing for 3 nights, all meals from Wednesday evening through Saturday breakfast, activities, snacks and conference fees.

At SLC we want to:

- Grow in our personal walk with Christ
- Identify our leadership skills and potentials
- Recognize God's call on our lives
- Develop our student action plan
- Strengthen our spiritual support network
- Strengthen our Christian schools
- Encourage our commitment to grow and serve God



Conferința Internațională de Leadership Educațional reunește lideri de școli creștine din întreaga Europă și nu numai pentru a dezvolta colaborarea strategică și inspirația reciprocă. Tema acestui... more...



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