Conferința de conducere a studenților 2020

slc 18

Thank you for your patience as we consider the best options for the 2020 Student Leadership Conference. This has been heavy on our hearts for the past weeks as we prayed together about how to best serve your students. The difficulty continues to be the uncertainty of travel in the coming months. Because most European countries are still closed to tourist entry at this time, we cannot predict what the situation will be in September. For this reason we have decided to host a virtual event for this year. We will use our Moodle platform as well as live, interactive video connections to make SLC as real as possible and to meet the goals of this event.

We are considering having 1 SLC (not 2 events) and extend it over five days (either September 21-25 or Sep. 28 - Oct. 2) which will give students the opportunity to process and discuss the information better and not interrupt much of the school day. The main sessions would happen at a set time, likely in the afternoon, when students can gather as a group in each school to listen and discuss. The workshops and student discussion times might be in the evenings when students can connect from home. Please provide your feedback on these ideas by responding to this email.

You can expect more information in the coming weeks regarding the time commitment, group registration and a draft of the schedule. We do ask that you register your group now. This will help us to plan better and to communicate directly with the chaperones from each school about the next steps. This is a unique opportunity for secondary students to grow in their faith and in their leadership skills, and to fellowship and worship together with like-minded young people from many nations. 

SLC will be a virtual event over 1 week at the end of September for this year due to travel restrictions for most European countries and schools. 

register REGISTRATION online (from April 1st).

     September 21-25, 2020 (ages 13-18)

You must have an active ACSI school membership or a special invitation to register.

Program for 2 age groups:
We have an SLC program which ensures that the experience for each grade level is appropriate and of the best quality. Students from age 13-15 are provided with their own workshops and discussion groups designed specifically for their needs, introducing them to the foundations of biblical leadership and the character qualities on which to build. Students from age 16 and up have discussion groups and workshops specifically for their age group as well.

We also provide training for older students who want to work and lead activities and discussions with the younger students. High school students who want to serve as discussion group leaders for either age group must participate in a short online training course beginning August 24, 2020.

Student Selection:
It is very important to begin your student selection well in advance. Please consider now how this will be done so that it most benefits your students and your school as a whole. 

The graduated pricing serves to encourage schools to think about selecting students early so that they will be better prepared for this event.  We have many ideas for helping you prepare your students for SLC, many of which are available in the document "SLC Description & Guide". We want each student to get the most out of this event, which can only happen with your excellent support, teaching and prayer. NOTE: We require contact information for student discussion leaders because they must participate in a short online training course BEFORE the conference (more information available in the Preparation Guide).

Graduated registration pricing:
- 5% DISCOUNT for early registrations from April 1 to June 15
- The STANDARD registration price from June 16 to August 25
- 20% price INCREASE for registrations beginning August 26
- NO registrations after September 1

Cost per person will be minimal for the online event this year.


Conference Preparation Downloads:

  1. SLC Description & Guide 


Keynote Speakers: to be announced

At SLC we want to:

- Grow in our personal commitment to love and serve God
- Recognize and respond to God's call on our lives
- Develop the leadership skills that God has gifted us with
- Strengthen our spiritual support network



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