Student Leadership Conference 2016

"Picking up the Towel of Leadership" September 28 - October 1, 2016. Registration opens on May 1st !

SLC 2016: Picking up the Towel of Leadership

Our 18th annual Student Leadership Conference is quickly approaching. We are looking forward to meeting your students on September 28th. Last year we had 340 total participants from over 36 schools and 18 countries, so be sure to register before August 27!

The conference begins with registration on Wednesday, September 28 from 2:00-5:00 pm. Dinner begins at 5:00 pm followed by the evening program and activities. The conference will end with the evening session on Friday, September 30. This year our speaker is Bill Stevens speaking on the theme of “Picking up the Towel of Leadership” based on John 13:14, with specific applications to real life leadership based on the life of Christ. Besides the plenary sessions, the conference will include a variety of workshop offerings, student activities, school-to-school interaction time and times for school debriefing along with great fun and fellowship every day. You can download our SLC Brochure for more information.

Student Selection: It is very important to begin your student selection well in advance. Please consider now how this will be done so that it most benefits your students and your school as a whole. The graduated pricing serves to encourage schools to think about selecting students early so that they will be better prepared for this event.  We have many ideas for helping you prepare your students for SLC, many of which are available in the document "SLC Preparation Guide". We want each student to get the most out of this event, which can only happen with your excellent support, teaching and prayers. NOTE: We require contact information for student discussion leaders because they must participate in a short online training course BEFORE the conference (more information available in the Preparation Guide).

Begin registration here - You must have an active school membership code or a special invitation to register!

Be sure to see our live SLC feeds at:

Graduated registration pricing:
- 9% DISCOUNT for early registrations from May 1 to June 15
- The STANDARD registration price from June 16 to August 26
- 20% price INCREASE for registrations beginning August 27
- NO registrations after September 9

Cost per person:
- 135 Euro in a 6-8 bed room
- 145 Euro in a 3-4 bed room (quad rooms are split doubles with a shared bathroom)
- 155 Euro in a double room
(partial scholarships available for some ACSI schools of central and eastern Europe)

A round-trip bus service will be available (50€/person). *Please reserve bus service on the 2nd page of the registration form.*
Chartered busses will leave from Népliget metro station in Budapest at 1 pm and from the Liszt Ferenc Airport at 2 pm on WEDNESDAY. Return busses to Budapest are by RESERVATION ONLY.

There are good options for regional train service to the conference location. See  

Cancellation Policy: 

  • August 27 - Sept. 9: 50% refund
  • from Sept. 10: 20% refund only for schools paying full price
  • from Sept. 10: NO refund for schools receiving scholarships
  • No show: No refund and no scholarship/discount eligibility next year

Conference Preparation Downloads:

  1. SLC Preparation Guide - Preparing your student leadership team for SLC - begin NOW
  2. SLC Details and Logistics (pdf) - 2016 version
  3. SLC Medical Consent Form (pdf) - REQUIRED for each participant
  4. Conference Schedule - 2015 (pdf) - 2016 version
  5. Workshop Guide for Chaperones


Bill Stevens will be our keynote speaker in 2016. Bill Stevens has built a 37-year career in Christian school education, serving as Headmaster in two Christian schools. For the past 17 years, he has lead Wilmington Christian School, in Hockessin, Delaware. Prior to this he served with ACSI in Hungary, ministering with the Christian schools of Europe. In 1999, Bill founded the very first SLC, and is thrilled to see where God has taken it. Bill has spoken both nationally and internationally, as well as written extensively. He has been married to his wife, Berta for 45 years, and has two grown daughters and three grandchildren.

For school planning purposes:

Location: SLC takes place at a youth and conference center on the north bank of Lake Balaton. This allows us to serve many schools and participants in a beautiful and comfortable setting about 2 hours from the Budapest airport.Zanka pathway

Transportation to the conference site is available by public bus or train from Budapest with stops right at the entrance of the camp. We also contract charter buses to transport groups from the airport or Népliget Metro for an extra fee.

On-line registration: SLC registration is available on our website beginning May 1st. Please use your school's membership code (sent to your school's e-mail) to begin the registration process. If you have registered for an ACSI Europe conference or SLC on-line already, you can sign in with your e-mail and then start the SLC registration with your school and personal information already on the form. The cost of the conference includes housing for 3 nights, all meals from Wednesday evening through Saturday breakfast, activities, snacks and conference fees.

At SLC we want to:

- Grow in our personal walk with Christ
- Identify our leadership skills and potentials
- Recognize God's call on our lives
- Develop our student action plan
- Strengthen our spiritual support network
- Strengthen our Christian schools
- Encourage our commitment to love and serve God



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