Student Leadership Conference 2019

slc 18

V letošním roce je naše téma "připraveno k vedení" se zaměřením na Efezským 2:10. Plenární řečníci poskytují výuku na hlavních zasedáních, po nichž následují studentské diskusní skupiny, 3 workshopy, které se zaměřují na aplikaci vedení a spoustu času na interakci a zábavu v krásném a pohodlném prostředí. To je jedinečná příležitost pro studenty středních škol, aby rostli ve své víře a ve svých vůdčích schopnostech a aby spolu s podobně smýšlejícími mladými lidmi z mnoha národů spolupracovali a uctívali.

Místo konání konference pro rok 2019 bude v křesťanském ministerském centru ve Vajtě v Maďarsku. ACSI poskytne 2 data konference, aby odpovídala dostupnosti a preferencím vaší školy. Budeme se snažit zajistit dobrou rovnováhu mezi východními a západoevropskými školami, jakož i mezi národními a mezinárodními školami. Všimněte si, že prostor nemusí být pro vaši skupinu k dispozici ve vašich preferovaných termínech z důvodu vysoké poptávky, takže REGISTRUJTE JIŽ BRZY!

SLC now runs the same program in 2 consecutive weeks.

Waiting list only: September 25 - 28
Second option: October 2-5

The conference begins with check-in on Wednesday, from 2:00-5:00 pm. Dinner begins at 5:00 pm followed by the evening program and activities. The conference will end with the evening session on Friday. Register and pay by June 15 to receive the early registration discount. Registration closes on September 9.

New Program for Middle School:
This year we are opening SLC for younger students to attend while ensuring that the experience for the upper grades is of the same quality and depth. The number of younger students at each event will be limited and provide separate activities, workshops and discussion groups designed specifically for their needs, introducing them to the foundations of biblical leadership and the character qualities on which to build. Space is limited for this program!

We ask that any school sending students for this program provide a chaperone dedicated to this group. We also provide training for your older students who want to work and lead activities and discussions with the younger students. High school students who want to serve in this program will need to register for training here.

Student Selection:
It is very important to begin your student selection well in advance. Please consider now how this will be done so that it most benefits your students and your school as a whole. 

The graduated pricing serves to encourage schools to think about selecting students early so that they will be better prepared for this event.  We have many ideas for helping you prepare your students for SLC, many of which are available in the document "SLC Description & Guide". We want each student to get the most out of this event, which can only happen with your excellent support, teaching and prayer. NOTE: We require contact information for student discussion leaders because they must participate in a short online training course BEFORE the conference (more information available in the Preparation Guide).

register REGISTRATION online (from April 1st).

     Conference 1: September 25-28, 2019 (ages 12-18)

     Conference 2: October 2-5, 2019 (ages 12-18)

You must have an active ACSI school membership or a special invitation to register.

Graduated registration pricing:
- 5% DISCOUNT for early registrations from April 1 to June 15
- The STANDARD registration price from June 16 to August 25
- 20% price INCREASE for registrations beginning August 26
- NO registrations after September 9

Cost per person (estimated):
- 160 Euro in a 6-8 bed room
- 170 Euro in a 4 bed room with private bath
- some double & single rooms are available at a higher cost (for chaperones only)
*Partial scholarships are available for some ACSI schools of central and eastern Europe.

A round-trip bus service will be available. *Please reserve bus service on the registration form.*
Chartered busses will leave from Népliget metro station in Budapest and from the Liszt Ferenc Airport on WEDNESDAY. Return busses to Budapest are by RESERVATION ONLY.

There are options for regional train service to the conference location. See  

Cancellation Policy: 

  • August 26 - Sept. 9: 50% refund
  • from Sept. 9: 20% refund only for schools paying full price
  • from Sept. 9: NO refund for schools receiving scholarships
  • No show: No refund and no scholarship/discount eligibility next year


Conference Preparation Downloads:

  1. SLC Description & Guide - Overview of the SLC Program for Students and Chaperones
  2. Conference Schedule (pdf) - 2018 DRAFT


Keynote Speakers:

Stuart 2Estuardo Salazar - About 40 years ago Estuardo was expelled from the Christian school where he was a troublesome senior. His wild behavior combined with flawless academic performance earned him both the highest academic honors and the toughest disciplinary actions. Shortly after expulsion, everything He had learned about Jesus and the Bible made sense and he surrendered his life to God. After going to Bible college and serve as Bible teacher in the same school that expelled him, He became the first ACSI International director heading an office outside of North America in 1990, currently serving hundreds of Christian schools in Mexico, Central, South America and the Caribbean. He holds an M.Ed in Educational Leadership from Regent University (Virginia, USA) and he is a doctoral candidate in Organizational Leadership at St. Paul University in Guatemala City where he and his wife Sheny live.

staff frank o2zpd7dw0w5v0elhikt1sr36duzrgbzsghcrny2uzgFrank Cirone is originally from Rhinebeck, New York and attended Capernwray Hall in England and Holsby in Sweden. Frank graduated from Philadelphia Biblical University with a BS in Biblical Education in 1989 prior to joining the staff at Ravencrest Chalet in Estes Park, Colorado. He holds a Master’s Degree in Christian Leadership from Denver Seminary. Frank and his wife, Krista, have four grown children: Andrew, Ben, Isaak and Anikka. Frank is passionate about sharing Christ in any setting and loves connecting with people for coffee. Frank spends time traveling and speaking at various events in the United States and overseas and always enjoys adventuring in the Rocky Mountains, especially with Krista.

For school planning purposes:Vajta

Location: SLC takes place at a Christian conference center in Vajta, Hungary. This allows us to serve many schools and participants in a beautiful and comfortable setting about 1:30 hours from the Budapest airport. See their Website.

Transportation to the conference site is available by public bus or train from Budapest. We also contract charter buses to transport groups from the airport or Népliget Metro for an extra fee.

On-line registration: SLC registration is available on our website beginning April 1st. Please use your school's membership code (sent to your school's e-mail) to begin the registration process. The cost of the conference includes housing for 3 nights, all meals from Wednesday evening through Saturday breakfast, activities, snacks and conference fees.

At SLC we want to:

- Grow in our personal commitment to love and serve God
- Recognize and respond to God's call on our lives
- Develop the leadership skills that God has gifted us with
- Strengthen our spiritual support network



The International Educational Leadership Conference brings together Christian school leaders from across Europe and beyond to develop strategic collaboration and mutual inspiration. The theme of this... more...



Nedávno přidané články

Silnější budoucnost pro křesťanské vzdělávání

Křesťanské vzdělávání v Evropě čelí rostoucím výzvám, protože společenské normy se mění a regulační rámce se stávají stále složitějšími. Pro efektivní zvládnutí těchto výzev je klíčová spolupráce mezi školami, rodiči, školskými asociacemi a mezinárodními organizacemi.

Pět stupňů křesťanské maturity školy

Článek "Jdeme hlouběji: 5 stupňů křesťanské maturity školy" od Shauna Brookera zkoumá cestu křesťanských škol směrem k zralosti a excelenci. Brooker popisuje pět stupňů vývoje školy na základě svých studií. Každý stupeň představuje odlišnou úroveň "autentické křesťanské výchovy", která přímo ovlivňuje jejich zralost a efektivitu při plnění mise školy.