Online Teacher Training Courses for 2017

Register now. Three classes begin on July 10 and October 16


Classes available in English only at this time. If several teachers from your language group join a course, we will help you organize periodic discussions in your language.

Course costs are dependant on your ACSI membership and the length of the course. Please request a discount if you are registering 5 or more teachers from the same school. Our introductory course, The Mission of the Christian School, is available at a special reduced rate!

We require a minimum of 10 participants to begin a course and ensure good discussions and interaction. eLearning vouchers given by our office are valid for course participation.

The strengths of Online Learning
  • You can study and learn on your own schedule.
  • You can learn together and learn from colleagues from multiple countries and backgrounds.
  • You can build on the key skills of 21st Century learning: critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication.
  • Each class has a minimum participant requirement to ensure strong group engagement.

Register for an online course - Registration is open

The Mission of the Christian School (click link for more details)

  • Both the Christian school and the secular school study the world around them, but they study it from significantly different perspectives and for significantly different purposes. This course explores those differences and helps us clearly articulate those differences in our thought processes and in our communication.
  • 6 class hours of instruction with the option of official ACSI course certificate (1 Continuing Education Unit)
  • Time frame and requirements: 4 hours per week for 3 weeks in an online environment
  • Class begins on July 10 and October 16, 2017
  • Participant fee (Special Introductory Rate!): 20 Euro
  • Download the syllabus HERE

The Teacher's Worldview

  • There is no such thing as “neutral” teaching; our worldview determines the way we teach. During this course, we will study the elements of the Biblical view of human nature, the role of the teacher and how to integrate our worldview into our teaching.
  • 6 class hours of instruction with the option of official ACSI course certificate (1 Continuing Education Unit)
  • Time frame and requirements: 4 hours per week for 3 weeks in an online environment
  • Class begins on July 10 and October 16, 2017
  • Participant fee: 60 E (discount available for member schools)

Teaching Strategies for Motivation

  • There is no such thing as “neutral” teaching; our worldview determines the way we teach. During this course, we will study the various aspects of our students from a Biblical Worldview perspective, how they think and what motivates them to learn. (This is a continuation of the course: The Teacher's Worldview.)
  • 6 class hours of instruction with the option of official ACSI course certificate (1 Continuing Education Unit)
  • Time frame and requirements: 4 hours per week for 3 weeks in an online environment
  • Class begins on October 16, 2017
  • Participant fee: 60 E (discount available for member schools)

21st Century Skills in Education

  • This course is presented as an online course, with flipped classroom elements, where instructor and participants explore best practice curriculum and instruction innovations associated with aspects of 21st century learning skills. Understanding the 21st century learner will be key as students build understanding of innovative curriculum such as project-based learning, flipped, and blended classrooms. Students will use knowledge and skills from this course to design innovative instructional solutions to meet educational goals within their own institutional contexts. All materials are based on a Biblical worldview and can be used in the Christian school or other environments.
  • 12 class hours of instruction with the option of official ACSI course certificate (2 Continuing Education Units)
  • Time frame and requirements: 4 hours per week for 6 weeks in an online environment (for fluent English speakers)
  • Participant fee: 120 E (discount available for member schools)
  • Classes begin in October and April each year

ACSI International Collaborative Projects

  • This course provides opportunities for teachers to develop collaborative projects for their students. Part 1 of the course uses guided instruction on project based learning models, strong biblical integration and standards for online collaborative student learning. Teachers work together in this environment to develop a project for their students in a specific area of the curriculum and in a common language. Part 2 of the course is overseeing and evaluating the student project that the teachers have designed. This course includes the following opportunities for teachers:
    • Providing International collaboration opportunites at teacher and student levels (with discounts for ACSI member schools)
    • Helping teachers develop meaningful biblical integration in their school subjects to facilitate character and spiritual formation of their students
    • Learning how to design effective projects for Project Based Learning
    • Developing your students' 21st Century Learning Skills (collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and communication)
  • 12 class hours of instruction with the option of official ACSI course certificate (2 Continuing Education Units)
  • Time frame and requirements: 4 hours per week for 4 weeks in an online environment (for fluent English speakers) and variable timing for overseeing the student project
  • Participant fee (for each teacher): 150 E (discounts available for ACSI member schools)
  • Classes begin as teachers agree on a project (see link below for registration)
  • Read more details and see the current project list HERE

Motivation and Discipline (coming soon)

  • This course provides a solid foundation for understanding student motivation based on a Biblical worldview and how motivation is integrally connected to discipline in the classroom.
  • 12 class hours of instruction with the option of official ACSI course certificate (2 Continuing Education Units)
  • Time frame and requirements: 4 hours per week for 6 weeks in an online environment (for fluent English speakers)


Criza sinelui modern

Cum putem, ca lideri ai școlilor creștine, să abordăm degradarea simțului identității în rândul elevilor noștri și, uneori, în rândul cadrelor didactice? Există vreo ajutor din Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu pentru a ne ancrasa identitatea în ceva real, în loc de cultura și viziunea sa fragmentată asupra identității umane?

Un viitor mai puternic pentru educația creștină

Educația creștină din Europa se confruntă cu provocări tot mai mari, pe măsură ce normele societale se schimbă și cadrele de reglementare devin din ce în ce mai complexe. Pentru a aborda aceste provocări în mod eficient, colaborarea între școli, părinți, asociații școlare și organizații internaționale este crucială.

Rapoarte conferinte romanesti 2024

Conferințele pentru conducătorii școlilor creștine și profesorii din România din această toamnă au inclus un eveniment regional pentru profesori și un eveniment special pentru conducătorii de școli. Aceasta rezumă evenimentele cu câteva puncte cheie. Participanții care s-au adunat au beneficiat foarte mult de timpul petrecut împreună și de colaborarea în învățare.

Raportul IELC 2024

IELC 2024 a fost un eveniment binecuvântat și copleșitor, plin de cunoștințe, binecuvântări, neprihănire și dragoste pentru Dumnezeu. pentru mine a fost un eveniment necesar pentru a crește spiritual și profesional.