ACSI International Summer Institute, August 15-19, 2016, Budapest, Hungary

International training programs for school and kindergarten teachers. Erasmus+ grant applications are available for schools in EU countries!

International Summer Institute, August 15-19, 2016

Erasmus+ EU grants can be applied to cover the full cost of the training, including training fee, food, lodging, and travel expenses! Cost of registration is 350 Euro + travel, lodging and meals.


The Summer Institute training will be in English. (Groups may bring a translator with them.)

The courses are 30 instructional hours long (6 hours per day, from 9:00 a.m. to 15:00 p.m.). The method of instruction is interactive and project based. Individual and cooperative learning activities are included. The outcome of the course is a project- based- unit which is applicable for the school /preschool. We offer 2 courses simultaneously. Please bring a laptop with you, as coursework and course materials will require using a computer.

Main topics of the courses:

Course 1: Education for 21st Century Skills in Christian Schools

  1. 21st Century Framework and Skills
  2. Disruptive Innovation in Education
  3. Blended Learning Models
  4. Project Based Learning
  5. Developing a PBL Unit

We are happy to help you if you have any questions!


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ACSI International Summer Institute, August 15-19, 2016, Budapest, Hungary

15 Ago 2016