Inspire 2023

Academia de Mejoramiento Escolar

1-3 de marzo de 2023, Hungría

Inspire banner 3

ACSI Europe le invita a un nuevo estilo de evento.

INSPIRE es una experiencia profesional colaborativa para alentar y apoyar a los líderes escolares mientras trabajan para implementar una visión clara para la educación cristiana. El programa INSPIRE está estructurado en torno a cuatro áreas clave de mejora escolar para las escuelas cristianas. Cada sesión incluirá una descripción general del tema clave, seguida de una sesión de taller colaborativo. Los participantes podrán seleccionar un taller para cada sesión según el elemento del tema clave que deseen explorar más a fondo. Las sesiones del taller implicarán tiempo para el debate, la reflexión, el intercambio de mejores prácticas y la planificación de pasos de implementación significativos para su propio contexto escolar.

Este evento será facilitado en inglés.

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Registration is open! 

Please confirm your participation as soon as possible with your payment. Hotel reservations must be made separately.

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Program Goals:

  • Build connections between school leaders for mutual support
  • Encourage a meaningful engagement with the process of school improvement through CSIP
  • Develop new depth of understanding and application using quality standards for Christian schools
  • Inspire school leaders with space for prayer, reflection and planning


Program Details:

Inspire begins with lunch on Wednesday and ends with lunch on Friday. It is a working conference which allows for deep reflection and discussion of ideas with your school leadership team and with leaders from other schools about guiding the process of school improvement.

View and download the draft schedule here.

The program consists of several sessions.  Each session involves:

  • A helpful and practical presentation on the process of self-assessment and school improvement for the effective implementation of a Christian vision for education.
  • A choice of workshops after each presentation will give you opportunities to learn and grow with your team and other leaders. These sessions involve facilitated collaboration and reflection where each participant develops an action step related to the topic or focus area.
  • Please note that discussions during the event will be facilitated in English to build community and interaction. Translation is not provided.


Session 1: Introduction - Inspiring Improvement in the Christian School 

Session 2: Philosophy and Foundations of the Christian School 

Workshop A:  

“Living” Foundational Documents  

Seeing the core ideas contained in your school’s foundational documents permeate the life of the school. 

Workshop B: 

Communicating Foundational Documents  

Sharing the core ideas contained in your school’s foundational documents with everyone in your school community. 


Session 3: Leadership and Personnel in the Christian School 

Workshop A:  

Commitment to Whole-Child Development  

Nurturing the commitment of your staff to the holistic development of each child/student from a Christian perspective. 

Workshop B: 

Receiving Feedback from the School Community  

Developing procedures for school staff to receive feedback from others in the school community in a manner that promotes trust. 


Session 4: Teaching and Learning in the Christian School

Workshop A:  

Biblical Approach to Teaching and Learning  

Developing an approach to content, instruction and assessment that is consistent with the Christian vision and mission of your school. 

Workshop B: 

Range of Learning Activities  

Providing learning activities that are reflective of the needs of students in your school. 


Session  5: Spiritual Formation in the Christian School

Workshop A:  

Programs for Promoting Spiritual Growth  

Developing meaningful and coherent programs that provide students with opportunities to grow in their Christian faith. 

Workshop B: 

Biblically-based Relationships  

Nurturing relationship across your school community characterized by sensitivity, responsibility and grace. 


Who should come to INSPIRE?

  • Head of School
  • Instructional and Operational Leaders
  • Emerging Leaders (e.g. Senior teachers, assistant principals, team leaders)
  • Board/Governance Members


The Christian School Improvement Platform (CSIP)

ACSI Europe has developed a multi-lingual tool to support school communities through identifying strengths and weaknesses in a setting of strategic professional support between member schools and partner organizations. Our goal is to increase the effectiveness of Christian schools as each one shares and implements their vision throughout their teaching and learning communities. You can read more about CSIP here.


Location: Budapest, Hungary

  • Our conference venue includes hotel options as well as meals for participants.
  • Please book your own lodging based on your preferences at Hotel Benczúr
  • Be sure to inform the hotel that you are attending the ACSI event to receive your discount. You can either call them or use this form and send by email.
  • You may also select from other local accommodation options.



Note that prices do not include accommodation

ACSI member schools will receive a special promotion for this first-ever event! Your participation fees can be applied as credit for a live event with ACSI Europe in the coming year such as the October INSPIRE or the International Educational Leadership Conference next March. You can also pass this credit to another leader in your school or toward participation in our Student Leadership Conference in September.


ACSI Europe members Western region

ACSI schools - central Europe (HU, RO, CZ, PL, SK, UA) plus FR, CH and BE

Cost per person, no lodging included

270 EUR / person

* 170 EUR / person

* These participants receive a scholarship to help cover the costs of this event.

All registrations include 2 dinner, 3 lunches, 5 coffee breaks, access to main sessions, workshops, materials, the digital resources and networking and access to the CSIP.

A 10% discount is available for groups of 3 or more participants from schools with less than 500 students, 5 or more participants from larger schools. Please request this at registration.


Payment and Cancellation Policy:

  • Participation fees must be paid by January 30, 2023.
  • Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer after completing the registration process.
  • No refunds or cancellations after January 30.

Updated on Jan. 10, 2023



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