6-9 MARZO 2024, Hungary


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Por favor confirme su participación lo antes posible con su pago. Las reservas de hotel deben realizarse por separado.

ielc 2019


Theme: Anclas de Esperanza para la Educación Cristiana

Las tormentas de la cultura, la política, las economías y las ideas nos exigen estar anclados a lo que es inamovible. ¿Qué elementos de la Educación Cristiana deberían fortalecerse para anclar a las escuelas y estudiantes cristianos en la Palabra de Dios y en Su Verdad? La IELC 2024 brindará oportunidades para investigar y discutir juntos estas anclas de esperanza, orando por la gracia de Dios y buscando Su guía.

La Conferencia Internacional de Liderazgo Educativo reúne a líderes de escuelas cristianas para colaboración estratégica e inspiración de toda Europa y más allá. ACSI Europe ha organizado la IELC desde 2015 para participantes de más de 40 países y nos sentimos bendecidos de poder asociarnos contigo para la promoción de una educación de calidad centrada en Cristo en todo el mundo.


Oradores principales:

Laci SmallLACI DEMETER está dedicado a fortalecer las escuelas y educadores cristianos, preparando a los estudiantes para la vida con una perspectiva eterna. Con una sólida formación académica que incluye un MSc en Ingeniería, MA en Enseñanza de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera, MEd en Educación Cristiana y EdS en Liderazgo Educativo, Laci ha sido parte de ACSI Europe desde 1995 y se convirtió en Director de Europa en 2011. Frecuentemente imparte clases en conferencias de educación cristiana en todo el mundo. Laci, junto con su esposa Rita, es padre de seis hijos y abuelo de cinco.


laurens van der tang avatar 300x300LAURENS VAN DER TANG es un creador de opinión dentro de la comunidad reformada conservadora y sirve como anciano en las Congregaciones Reformadas en los Países Bajos. Trabajó en Baan Company desde 1987, uniéndose al Consejo de Administración en 1990, y de 2000 a 2003 se desempeñó como presidente. Desde 2006, es el CEO de VitalHealth Software. Es un inversor activo en Forward Enterprises, enfocándose en construir empresas de software sostenibles, y ocupa cargos en la comunidad reformada.


SteveBeegooSTEVE BEEGOO ha estado activo en educación durante casi 30 años como maestro, director y gerente de proyectos de divulgación. Se apasiona por ayudar a la iglesia a reconocer el papel central que tiene la disciplina de los niños en el cumplimiento de la "Gran Comisión", hablando y escribiendo artículos sobre cuestiones relacionadas con las libertades y la educación cristiana. Steve es Jefe de Educación para Christian Concern, el CEO de Christian Schools’ Trust, el vicepresidente de la Christian Coalition for Education y miembro del Consejo Asesor Permanente para la Enseñanza Religiosa en Oxfordshire.

Conference Goals:

  • Inspire a shared vision for Christian education globally
  • Encourage fellowship among Christian school leaders
  • Encourage developing partnerships for Christian schools
  • Enhance leadership skills through plenary and workshop sessions


Download the Draft Schedule here 

Conference Location: Budapest, Hungary

  • Our conference venue will include hotel options as well as meals for participants.
  • Hotel venue: Please book your own lodging based on your preferences. Rooms at Mercure/Ibis Budapest Castle Hill will be available at special rates. 
  • After January 20 we cannot guarantee available rooms or access to the special rate.

     The preferential code will be included in your confirmation email with the hotel reservation links. The rates shown below are for 3 nights for Ibis and Mercure respectively. 

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Program Details:

  • This conference will highlight keynote speakers from various regions.
  • Workshops will be available, presented by highly experienced and qualified educators working in Christian school settings.
  • Various learning tracks will be offered to participants wanting to focus their attention on themes related to the opportunities for Christian education to address real and pressing challenges in our post-truth culture.
  • We provide simultaneous translation in selected languages during the main sessions and the super seminars after evaluating the participant needs. If you do not speak English, you will need to provide your own translator for networking and other sessions.



The conference organizing committee will select the workshops for the conference from the submitted proposals. Workshop Proposal Deadline January 15, 2024. Workshop Proposal Form

Workshop Titles and Descriptions:

  1. All workshops must fit within the conference theme and be related to the opportunities for Christian education to address real and pressing challenges in our post-truth culture (e.g. artificial intelligence in education, sexual and gender identity confusion, biblical leadership, teacher training)
  2. Please make your titles and descriptions "attention getting" and informative.
  3. Many of the conference participants will be non-native English speakers but workshops must be presented in English.


Keynote Speakers: TBA

The ACSI Europe Christian School Improvement Platform (CSIP)

ACSI is committed to supporting excellence in both academics and spiritual formation for Christian schools. ACSI Europe has developed a multi-lingual tool to build school communities through identifying strengths and weaknesses in a setting of strategic professional support between member schools and partner organizations. Your use of this platform as a member school will further enable you to build meaningful partnerships through your connections at IELC that best support the needs of your school community. You can read more about CSIP here.


Conference Booths and Partnership Development:

  • Organizations can be assigned space and time to host conversations with other participants during the conference.
  • We encourage you to think about ways that you want to collaborate with schools from other countries for mutual benefit and support based in a biblical vision of education. The best encouragement for partnership is highlighting what you can offer to others in these partnership opportunities.
  • Reserve your table by February 10, 2024 on this form. An extra fee will be collected for any organizations promoting paid services or products.


Conference Costs: 

Note that conference prices do not include accommodation. We will provide a link to discounted prices at the conference hotel where you may reserve your preferred room type in your confirmation email. You may also select from other local accommodation options.


without ACSI membership

ACSI Europe members Western region, US and international schools

ACSI schools - central Europe (HU, RO, CZ, PL, SK, UA, etc.)

Cost for the in-person event, no lodging included

370 EUR / person

270 EUR / person

190 EUR* / person

* This is a subsidized price for certain participants, which helps to cover the costs of this event.

All registrations include 2 dinners, 2 lunches, 4 coffee breaks, access to main sessions, workshops, translation options, conference materials, the digital conference resources and networking as well as a trial access to CSIP.

A 5% discount is available for groups of 5 or more participants from the same school. Please request this at registration. If you attended INSPIRE in March of 2023, the amount you paid for INSPIRE can be applied as a credit at this event.


Payment and Cancellation Policy:

  • Conference fees must be paid by January 30, 2024.
  • Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer after completing the registration process.
  • Cancellations between January 30 and February 15 receive a 20% refund.
  • No refunds or cancellations after February 15.

Updated on Jan. 25, 2024



La Conferencia Internacional de Liderazgo Educativo reúne a líderes escolares cristianos de toda Europa y más allá para desarrollar una colaboración estratégica y una inspiración mutua. El tema de... more...



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IELC 2024, Hungary

6 Mar 2024 to 9 Mar 2024