Conferencia de Liderazgo Estudiantil - 2013

Nuestro decimoquinto 'SLC' es una oportunidad única para más de 320 jóvenes de toda Europa.

La información está en inglés porque la conferencia se realiza en inglés...

We are happy to announce that registration is open beginning May 1st for the 2013 Student Leadership Conference! You can complete the registration on our website HERE.

Please use your school's special registration code (sent to your school's e-mail) to begin the registration process. Any other code will be rejected for information security purposes! If you have registered for an ACSI Europe conference on-line this year, then you have probably used the code already. In that case, you can sign in to our registration page with your e-mail and password and then start the SLC registration with your school and personal information already on the form. The cost of conference participation is shown on the first page of the registration form and includes housing for 3 nights, all meals from Wednesday evening through Saturday breakfast, activities, snacks and conference fees.

For school planning purposes:

Location: As you might know, we have been concerned with the service and accommodation provided at Csillaberc Sabadidõ Központ. They plan to raise the price next year but there is little hope of improvement in any area of concern to us, especially that of increased occupancy for our schools on site. Over the last 4 years we have been looking for another location option for SLC and we feel that God has answered our prayers this year!Zanka reception

If you are interested in seeing the facilities, you can visit the website at Transportation to the conference site will be available by bus or train from Budapest with stops right at the entrance of the camp. There will be more specific details about the good transportation options in later communication. We may also contract a charter bus to transport participants from the airport, if needed.

We will be using our new ACSI on-line registration system this year. This will streamline the registration process and help us greatly with communication and logistical preparation for the event. SLC registration will be available on our website in early May. The on-line registration also allows you to make your own room assignments.

This year is a special anniversary year for SLC as we celebrate 15 years of ministry! We have invited Dan Bishop to be our speaker for this year's event. He has given so much to us and to our students over his many years at SLC and we look forward to another great year with him as he shares from his heart and out of his love for God and students. This year's theme is "Blessed by God" and Dan will be sharing from God's Word about how God's blessings lead us to salvation and provide for us to be a blessing in specific ways to others. We are so excited to see how God will move this year as we learn and grow together, prepare to serve God more effectively and plan to let God use us in our schools and communities. Please be in prayer for Dan as he prepares what God wants to communicate through him this year to each of us.

At SLC we want to:

- Grow in our personal walk with Christ
- Identify our leadership skills and potentials
- Recognize God's call on our lives
- Develop our student action plan
- Strengthen our spiritual support network
- Strengthen our Christian schools
- Encourage our commitment to grow and serve God


You can also check out the Report on SLC 2012
All the links have been updated on the report page!


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Competencias del siglo XXI y la responsabilidad del docente cristiano

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Conferencia de Liderazgo Estudiantil - 2013

25 Sep 2013