International training programs for school and kindergarten teachers. Erasmus+ grant applications are available for schools in EU countries!
International Summer Institute, August 15-19, 2016
Erasmus+ EU grants can be applied to cover the full cost of the training, including training fee, food, lodging, and travel expenses! Cost of registration is 350 Euro + travel, lodging and meals.
The Summer Institute training will be in English. (Groups may bring a translator with them.)
The courses are 30 instructional hours long (6 hours per day, from 9:00 a.m. to 15:00 p.m.). The method of instruction is interactive and project based. Individual and cooperative learning activities are included. The outcome of the course is a project- based- unit which is applicable for the school /preschool. We offer 2 courses simultaneously. Please bring a laptop with you, as coursework and course materials will require using a computer.
Main topics of the courses:
Course 1: Education for 21st Century Skills in Christian Schools
We are happy to help you if you have any questions!
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¿Cómo podemos, como líderes de escuelas cristianas, abordar la creciente pérdida de identidad en nuestros estudiantes y, a veces, incluso en nuestro cuerpo docente? ¿Hay alguna ayuda en la Palabra de Dios para anclar nuestra identidad en algo real en lugar de en la cultura y su visión fragmentada de la identidad humana?
El 4 de marzo de 2025, únase a los líderes de escuelas cristianas, maestros y estudiantes de todo el mundo para un día de oración. Se proporcionan recursos para que las escuelas organicen actividades centradas en la oración diseñadas para centrar nuestra atención en la presencia de Dios y la provisión para Su obra a través de la educación cristiana global.
1182 Budapest, Óhuta u. 46.
Tel.: +36-1-292-6246