
  • Konsultacje nowych szkółteaching small
  • Program doskonalenia
  • Wizyty konsultacyjne
  • Nawiązywanie kontaktów i partnerstwa
  • Modlitwa i zachęcani



  • Konferencje dla dyrektorów szkół 
  • Konferencje i instytuty szkoleniowe dla nauczycieli
  • Konferencje dla młodych przywódców
  • Bieżące szkolenia i wsparcie



  • Przekazywanie wartości edukacji chrześcijańskiej
  • Promowanie wyróżników szkoły chrześcijańskiej
  • Zachęcanie do partnerstwa na linii dom – szkoła – kościół 
  • Tłumaczenia profesjonalnych publikacji


Szczegółowe opisy:

CHRZESCIJANSKA EDUKACJA (CSE) - Jest to magazyn poswiecony edukacji chrzescijanskiej, który ukazuje sie piec razy w roku. CSE zawiera artykuly i aktualne wiadomosci dotyczace rodziny szkól ACSI na calym swiecie.

KONFERENCJE REGIONALNE – Europejskie Biuro Misji Zagranicznej ACSI dotuje i organizuje wiele krajowych i miedzynarodowych konferencji dla nauczycieli chrzescijan w Europie. Poruszane tematy moga dotyczyc „integracji prawdy biblijnej z przedmiotem nauczania”, „dyscypliny w klasie”, „cech charakterystycznych edukacji chrzescijanskiej”, „opracowywania programów nauczania” oraz ”efektywnych metod nauczania”. Tematy administracyjne moga zawierac nastepujaca problematyke: „jak sformulowac i wprowadzic chrzescijanska filozofie nauczania”, „prowadzenie szkoly chrzescijanskiej”, „status, zasady postepowania i odpowiedzialnosc zarzadu szkoly”.

PUBLIKACJE – Biuro w Budapeszcie pragnie wydawac i rozprowadzac wsród nauczycieli chrzescijan na Wegrzech, w Rumunii, Polsce, Czechach i na Slowacji Biuletyny Krajowe kilka razy w roku. Chcemy w ten sposób ulatwic kontakty miedzy nauczycielami chrzescijanami w danym kraju oraz prezentowac artykuly zwiazane z ich profesja. Przetlumaczone juz i wydane po czesku, wegiersku, polsku i rumunsku profesjonalne materialy oraz ksiazki zródlowe, sa dostepne dla nauczycieli.

OCENA SZKOLY – Szkoly czlonkowskie moga byc odwiedzane przez Zespól Doradczy ACSI celem dokonania obiektywnej oceny szkoly oraz zasugerowania sposobów udoskonalenia szkoly. Sprawozdania z takich wizyt sa poufne i sluza wylacznie danej szkole.

PROGRAM POPRAWY SZKOLY – Szkoly czlonkowskie sa zobowiazane rozwijac sie pod wzgledem jakosci ksztalcenia, upodabniajac sie coraz bardziej do idealu „szkoly chrzescijanskiej”. Pracownicy ACSI sa gotowi pomagac kadrze nauczycielskiej i pracownikom kazdej ze szkól w procesie ‘poprawy szkoly’, wykorzystujac samo-analize oraz szkolenia wewnatrz-szkolne.


PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES - The purpose of ACSI Professional Resources is to provide an understanding and basis for applying a Christ-centered perspective on education, especially for continued professional training and development. We  provide articles, periodic newsletters and publications. We also have an extensive list of workshops and presentations available from the last several years for individual or group study.

The ACSI Europe Blog promotes interaction and the sharing of ideas between our members on issues that are relevant to Christian education in the 21st century. Here you will find short posts that present ideas or questions, or links to longer articles, which invite comments and further discussion.

Publications - Professional materials and resource books are being published in various languages and made available to teachers at events and on our website. Our desire is to promote a deep understanding of Christian education throughout our community of schools.

  • ACSI Europe Newsletters - Provide a summary of the Europe office activities and information about upcoming events with prayer requests. You can register to recieve these by email at: http://eepurl.com/bP3f3r
  • ACSI Global Prayer Guide - This monthly list of prayer requests is produced by the ACSI Office of International Ministries and available to member schools online at: acsi.org. We would like to encourage you to contribute prayer items for this global publication by sending specific information to ACSIEurope@acsi.org.
  • CHRISTIAN SCHOOL EDUCATION (CSE) - This journal is published four times per year and is available to member schools on our website. CSE includes professional articles and reports of current developments in the worldwide family of ACSI schools.


CONFERENCES - The ACSI Europe Office hosts conferences for Christian school leaders and for Christian teachers in Europe. A Student Leadership Conference is also available for all member schools and the International ACSI schools which addresses concepts of Christian leadership for nearly 300 high school students each year.

TEACHER TRAINING - Member schools will receive priority consideration for teacher training seminars planned by ACSI personnel, on a national or regional basis. Teacher on-site training for specific needs can also be made available for your school or city, upon request and as time permits. Courses are also presented online with more information at: training/online-training

ACSI Europe offers an online course for teachers to develop international collaborative projects for their students with the following goals:

  • Providing International collaboration opportunites at teacher and student levels (with discounts for ACSI member schools)
  • Helping teachers develop meaningful biblical integration in their school subjects to facilitate character and spiritual formation of their students
  • Learning how to design effective projects for Project Based Learning
  • Developing your students' 21st Century Learning Skills (collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and communication)


SCHOOL TO SCHOOL COLLABORATION - ACSI Europe encourages the development of teacher and student exchange programs, especially in cross-cultural settings. These can be developed by interested parties by first consulting our School Membership Directory.

STUDENT SERVICES - Our annual Student Leadership Conferences bring students from Christian schools together for inspiration, encouragement and motivation in their responsibilities as Christian leaders. In 2012 we began an on-line leadership training program which provides quality instruction in English for students who are interested in understanding principals of Christian leadership.