The International Educational Leadership Conference brings together Christian school leaders for strategic collaboration and inspiration from across Europe and beyond. Our theme for this event is "Leading for Stronger Communities - The role of the Christian school leader in challenging times". ACSI Europe has hosted the IELC since 2015 for participants from more than 40 countries and we are blessed to be able to partner with you for the promotion of quality Christ-centered education around the world.
Registration closed! Late registration is still possible through February 14. Please confirm your participation as soon as possible with your payment. Hotel reservations must be made separately. |
The conference organizing committee will select the workshops for the conference from the submitted proposals. Workshop Proposal Deadline February 14, 2022.
Workshop Titles and Descriptions:
James C. Kennedy, an American historian, grew up in the United States. He has been working in the Netherlands since 2003 when he became Professor of Contemporary History at VU University Amsterdam. He was Professor of European History at the A.C. Van Raalte Institute at Hope College in Holland (Michigan, USA) between 1997 and 2003. In 2007, Kennedy served as a professor at the University of Amsterdam, where his work included research into how new groups of citizens and new inhabitants of the Netherlands have been treated since the Second World War. Between 2015 and 2020 he was Dean of University College Utrecht. A professor of modern Dutch history at Utrecht University since 2015, he is also now Distinguished Professor of Community Engaged Learning at that university.
Liviu Căprar was born 1962 in Romania. During communist times, he struggled against the marginalization of Christians and later became founder and Director of Logos Baptist High School in Bucharest. He has also been a church pastor for fifteen years, as well as a Religion teacher at Logos. Liviu received a M.Ed. degree in 2009 at CAIRN (Philadelphia Biblical) University through their program based in Kandern, Germany. He is frequently involved with the Romanian Department of Education in curriculum development and written subjects for teacher’s national exams. He is executive Secretary for EurECA (European Educators’ Christian Association) and an Educational Consultant for Christian schools, on behalf of ACSI Romania. He is married to Ema, with two daughters (Medy – 30, married to Emi, and Dorothy – 18).
Steve Beegoo has been in school leadership for over 20 years with extensive experience in teaching and leading in both state, primary, special and independent schools and many church contexts. As a committed Christian and father of three, he has a deep sense of responsibility towards developing children and young people so they can fulfill their purpose and potential. Currently, he serves as Head of Education for Christian Concern and as Chief Executive Officer for the Christian Schools Trust, both based in the United Kingdom.
ACSI is committed to supporting excellence in both academics and spirituality for Christian schools. All schools in Europe are accredited by their country's educational agencies to secure physical and academic standards, however, there has been no way to assess and strengthen their Christian distinctives across our diverse language, educational and cultural settings.
As a response to this need, ACSI Europe has developed a multi-lingual tool to build school communities through identifying strengths and weaknesses in a setting of strategic professional support between member schools and partner organizations. Our goal is to increase the effectiveness of Christian schools as each one shares and implements their vision throughout their teaching and learning communities. You can read more about CSIP here.
Note that conference prices do not include accommodation. We will provide a link to discounted prices at the conference hotel where you may reserve your preferred room type. You may also select from other local accommodation options. Prices for double rooms start at 40 € per night per person. Prices for single rooms start at 70 € per night. Breakfast is included with hotel accommodations.
without ACSI membership |
ACSI Europe members Western region, US and international schools |
ACSI schools - central Europe (HU, RO, CZ, PL, SK, UA, etc.) |
Cost for the in-person event, no lodging included |
350 EUR / person |
250 EUR / person |
170 EUR* / person |
Cost for virtual attendance |
140 EUR / person |
100 EUR / person |
40 EUR* / person |
* These participants receive a scholarship to help cover the costs of this conference.
All registrations include 1 dinner, 2 lunches, 5 coffee breaks, access to main sessions, workshops, translation options, conference materials, the digital conference resources and networking.
Virtual attendance is available for those unable to travel and will include online group discussions, digital conference resources and networking access with live streaming for all main sessions and super seminars. No translation will be available.
A 5% discount is available for groups of 5 or more participants from the same school. Please request this at registration.
Updated on Feb. 26, 2022
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How can we as Christian school leaders address the decaying sense of identity in our students and, even sometimes, in our faculty? Is there any help from God's Word to anchor our identity to something real instead of the culture and its fractured view of human identity?
Join Christian school leaders from across the Europe region for a time of prayer, fellowship and encouragement. This group meets on Zoom the 2nd Thursday each month at 13:00 CET to focus our attention on God's presence and provision for His work through global Christian education.
1182 Budapest, Óhuta u. 46.
Tel.: +36-1-292-6246