ACSI Community - Benefits and Registration
ACSI Subscription Benefits for Schools
As part of the ACSI community in Europe, you have access to all our member services including school visits, teacher training events, publications and the Student Leadership Conference. Our member schools also receive a registration discount at our school leadership and teacher conferences. These schools are listed in our directory and have the opportunity to network with other member schools and service organizations through our system, providing prayer, professional support and encouragement.
The Christian School Improvement Platform is now available in 10 languages to all ACSI member schools. CSIP is a community where ACSI schools can engage in self-assessment, define strategic goals and contribute to strategic development in partnership with other schools as they implement a Christian vision of education. This supports our effort to serve the specific needs of your school and is an essential part of our continuing services to all ACSI schools in the Europe region.
ACSI Subscription Pricing beginning October 2024
New fees are in place from 1 October 2024 as a per student calculation above 100 students (rounded to the nearest Euro) with an increase from the previous prices. All fees are annual and the expiration date is set to the beginning of the next quarter (Sep. 1, Dec. 1, Mar. 1 or Jun. 1).
Size of School
Western Europe
Central and Eastern Europe and FR+CH
1-50 students (inclusive)
185 €
60 €
51-100 students (inclusive)
275 €
90 €
Example fees above 100 students:
260 students
396 €
170 €
420 students
483 €
227 €
790 students
633 €
326 €
3280 students
1209 €
707 €
- Each renewal requires an update to your student enrollment. You can calculate your subscription fee using our Fee Calculator.
- Every school subscription includes full access to the CSIP platform and the option to list up to 2 professional services per year. Schools with ACSI membership in another region, please contact our office for CSIP access options.
Christian School Improvement Platform (CSIP) Access for School Associations and Professional Service Partners
Please see the Associations and Organizations page for more information and prices.

ACSI Registration
Steps for new registrations: Please complete the ACSI Subscription Request Form on-line.
- We ask that you provide the name of your school in the language of your country plus the English equivalent for our directory.
- The fee for this school year is based on the number of students enrolled in your school. Please let us know if you have any issues with payment.
- The membership application provides an invoice request option.
- We will contact you after registration with a welcome email and details regarding membership benefits and payment. You will receive your membership certificate after payment.
- After completing the school registration form, you will need to set up a personal account on our website using the your school code for access to the CSIP, member school pricing and resources.
Direct bank transfers may be made as follows to our Wise account:
Account Owner Address: 1182 Budapest, Óhuta utca 46.
IBAN: BE51 9678 9337 9662
Bank Address: Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor
Brussels 1050, Belgium
Or use a link for payment and
adjust the amount as needed: /
Stripe (for card payments)
We look forward to partnering with your school in extending the Kingdom of Christ through the cause of Christian Education.
* Note that by becoming an ACSI Member School in the EU, you agree to the public posting of your basic school contact information on our website.
* International schools must apply for membership through ACSI Global. Please provide your updated contact details on the ACSI Europe on our Membership Form so that we can inform you of ACSI Europe events and services of benefit to your school.