Romanian Administrator Conference, October 20-22, 2022

An event for leaders of secondary schools, primary schools and pre-schools. English speakers are welcome to attend. conference center near Cluj

Conference program:

ACSI welcomes English speaking school directors who might benefit from this conference. Foreign and Romanian specialists will speak on the topic of the conference. Participating school leaders will look for the local applicability of the good practices discussed in the framework through discussion. Discussions take place in groups by institution type and language preference.

Please contact us regarding school membership.

Online registration below - ends October 15, 2022

Access the program as PDF: in Englishîn limba română


Prices for Western Schools:

  members non-members Eastern Region members
Accommodation, meals and conference fee 125 EUR 200 EUR 90 EUR (455 RON)

* A double room assumes that both occupants pay the listed fee.


Theme: "Inspiring School Improvement"

When? October 20-22, 2022

Registration Deadline: October 15, 2022


Fundația Emanuel - Casa de vacanțã ”Rehoboth”
Conference Center info:
Valea Drãganului nr. 196
Cluj Province
tel: 0721297522


We invite school directors, assistant directors along with the spiritual leaders of all levels of Christian schools to participate. We believe that this event will serve our Christian school leaders in their professional and spiritual development, and will reenergize them in their God-given mission of reaching and teaching the next generation for Christ.

Guest Speakers: 

bert vogelBert Vogel, ACSI Europe Consultant, Netherlands

Born in 1952, Bert is the former director (chairman of the executive board) of Calvijn College in the Netherlands, a Christian reformed high school ( offering pre-university, vocational and special needs education. Bert served the school as a leader through the highs and lows over a period of thirty years. His interest areas are teacher education, quality assurance in education built on the mission of Christian schools, and coaching in organizational leadership. Bert has gained an understanding of the cultural differences between Christian schools by having a sustainable connection with a school in Romania, and visiting other schools in Europe, America, Africa and Singapore. He passionately works to build a Christian education community that stands on a foundation of parents, teachers and school leaders who love Jesus Christ and have a deep desire to share the good news of the gospel.

Roslyn Barnes - Australia

Liviu Caprar - Romania

Laci Demeter - Hungary

Paul Madsen - USA


Related CSIP Indicators: 

2.1 The school has Christ-centered, professional leadership and staff who work collaboratively with each other to encourage student learning and promote organizational effectiveness.

5.3 The school seeks to develop strategic partnerships with other Christian schools and organizations to support the mutual improvement and development of the wider Christian school community through the sharing of expertise and resources.

Updated: Oct. 10


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20 Oct 2022 to 22 Oct 2022