School Leadership Events in 2021

ACSI Europe is evaluating the needs of member schools in order to provide the most effective services and events for the coming year.

Please read more information here. 



Are there events in your area that would benefit from ACSI partnership or participation? Do you have special needs at your school that we can help you address? Can you work with other schools in your area to plan a day of professional development? We ask you to take just 2 minutes to answer these questions and we will contact you with more details.


ACSI Europe works with partner organizations to develop coordinated programs which will be listed here as they become available.

  • ECCEN will be partnering with ACSI Europe this year in the bi-annual International Educational Leadership Conference - 3-6 March, 2021. Read more...


  • ISLC 2021 - 26-27 April, 2021, an online event (sponsored by our partner office in the US for the International Schools Region, Conference Director: Tim Shuman). Read more...








Hope is a wonderful gift from God and a powerful tool of Christian leaders. When our hope is rooted in the Good News of Jesus Christ, our purpose and mission become much bigger than serving our own... more...
An event for directors and leaders from kindergartens, schools and high schools. Theme: Effective Collaborative Leadership. We believe that this event will be beneficial to the school leaders in... more...
Centre La Porte Ouverte, Lux Lux, Chalon-sur-Saône France We are pleased to invite Christian school directors and administrators to finally meet again for our annual seminar, in person at the Porte Ouverte in Chalon sur Saône, from October 25 to 27, 2024! more...
We kindly invite teachers and principals who speak Romanian or English and who are interested in community, professional growth and inspiration to join us on October 26, 2024 in Lugoj, Romania. more...



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