Séminaire des Directeurs et membres des comités de gestion d’écoles 2024

02/09/2024 | print 

PorteOuverteWe are pleased to invite Christian school directors and administrators to finally meet again for our annual seminar, in person at the Porte Ouverte in Chalon sur Saône, from October 25 to 27, 2024!

The keynote speaker will be Gérard Hung Chei Tui (ACTES 6), an expert and legal consultant for French cultural and religious associations. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Applied Economics of Aix en Provence and the Institute of Business Administration (I.A.E) of Paris 1 (Panthéon Sorbonne). Several schools and many churches benefit from his advice and recommendations. Other speakers will provide important information including:

  • the first lessons of the national survey of schools (Véronique Haberey Knussi)
  • “A Wonderful Creature” ©, a relationship and sexuality education program for elementary classes.

Presentation of the theme

"The role of the association in the management of an educational establishment"

This year in particular, members of the management committees (Boards of Directors) of Christian schools are invited to accompany (or represent) their director.

The objectives of this meeting are to review the legal, organizational and financial rules applicable to private schools, to identify strengths and weaknesses, and to consolidate the CAs with a view to a solid and sustainable development of their institutions. This seminar was designed especially for them.

On the other hand, the directors, old and new, feel the need to meet once a year for a meeting of fraternal communion, training, information and sharing. You are all welcome!

Practical Information

  • Dates: Friday 25 to Sunday 27 October 2024
  • Registration deadline: October 11, 2024
  • Location: La Porte Ouverte - 5, rue de la Saône 71100 Lux - Chalon-sur-Saône
  • Conference Center Info: www.la-porte-ouverte.net


Registration is only effective after receipt of your payment. You will receive a confirmation of your registration by e-mail.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email (Sonja_Neuhaus@acsi.org) or at (HDB). If necessary on the day of arrival: (Daniel).


France 2024Notre dépliant à télécharger

Our downloadable leaflet will allow you to know everything about the seminar,
and also to register by email or by post.


Accommodation options

  • Member school 2-4 bed room : 170 € / Cpl : 268 € / Ind. : 218 €
  • Non-membr 2-4 bed room : 210 € / Cpl : 288 € / Ind. : 258 €
  • Group discounts  20 € (2 pers.) / 40 € (3 pers.)

Please note: Participation in this seminar allows for the realization of certain indicators linked to the Christian School Improvement Platform, the CSIP. The indicators concerned are as follows:

 Indicateur 1.4 

  • The leadership and staff continually support the advancement of the philosophy, mission, and vision of the school. The ideas contained within the foundational documents permeate the whole instructional program and relationships within the school community.
 Indicateur 3.6 
 Indicateur 5.3 





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