The International Educational Leadership Conference

March 3-5, 2021, Hungary


ielc 2021


Strategic Initiatives for School Improvement

The Position of Christian Schools in Modern Society


This is the 4th International Educational Leadership Conference. Due to increasing travel restrictions, we have determined that this will be an online event. You may register now for the event and we will promptly communicate any updates to the program.

Download the Conference Brochure here.

Please Note: If you have registered for the conference, you now have access to the Moodle platform for the event.  Please refer to the Moodle platform for the latest information and up-dates. If you have questions please contact us at

The ACSI International Educational Leadership Conference is a response to a growing desire for developing strategic collaboration among Christian school leaders in Europe and beyond. We have hosted the IELC every 2 years since 2015 for participants from more than 30 countries! We are blessed to be able to work together for the promotion of quality Christ-centered education together.
This year we are also partnering with ECCEN for this event with a sub-theme of "The Position of Christian Schools in Modern Society". Our planning is being done cooperatively to provide the most benefit for you and your school.
Theme: Strategic Initiatives for School Improvement
How can Christian school leaders deepen a commitment to and a strategy for school improvement in their leadership team? How can we work together to create a community where schools can engage in self-assessment, define strategic goals and contribute to strategic development in partnership with other schools as they implement a Christian vision of education? This conference will provide perspectives and meaningful tools to help answer these questions.
Sub-theme: Position of Christian schools in modern society
What is our calling as Christian school leaders in modern society? How can we increase our relevance and act more strategically to benefit both our schools and our pupils? If the modern world is all about connection, how do we get connected and stay connected? What communication methods do we use?  What language is appropriate? When should we speak and when should we listen? How do the principles of wisdom apply to our culture? If you are asking these questions, so are many others.

Keynote Speakers will include:

  • Dr. Larry Taylor, President of ACSI (USA - global)
  • Dr. Wolfgang Stock, CEO of VEBS (Germany)
  • Laci Demeter, ACSI Europe Director


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Registration closes March 2

Please contact for special requests.


ielc 2019

Conference Location: ONLINE

  • Our Moodle platform will provide all the conference materials, links to live sessions and workshops, group discussions and networking tools.
  • The live sessions will be interactive meetings using the Zoom platform.

Conference Goals:

  • Inspire a shared vision for Christian education globally
  • Encourage fellowship among Christian school leaders
  • Encourage developing partnerships for Christian schools
  • Enhance leadership skills through plenary and workshop sessions


Program Details:

  • This conference will highlight keynote speakers from various regions.
  • Workshops will be available, presented by highly experienced and qualified educators working in Christian school settings.
  • The schedule for the live event incorporates a significant time for networking between schools and schools will be provided a small display area for initiating contacts and partnerships.
  • A draft schedule is available for the online event HERE
  • Workshop Topics and Speakers are available here.

  • We provide simultaneous translation in selected languages during the main sessions and the super seminars after evaluating the participant needs. If you do not speak English, you will need to provide your own translator for networking and other sessions. PLEASE communicate your translation request here.


The ACSI Europe Christian School Improvement Platform (CSIP)

ACSI has been developing a new School Improvement Platform for Christian schools who would like to commit to excellence in both academics and spirituality. All Christian schools in Europe have to be accredited by their country's educational agencies to secure physical and academic standards, however, there has been no way to measure their Christian distinctives.

As a response to this need, ACSI Europe has developed a new tool to measure school effectiveness and growth with special focus on their mission and vision and especially how the school fulfills its Christian mandate. This system is currently being tested and will be unveiled for our member schools at IELC 2021! You can read more about this new platform here.

All conference participants will receive complimentary access to this platform until September 1st! This is a testing phase where we will request your feedback prior to the official launch of CSIP. We will require that you register for school membership in our system, understanding that payment for the 2021-2022 school year will not be billed until September, at which time you can also extend your access to the Christian School Improvement Platform.

world mapIELC

Workshops sessions:

  • Highlighting school leaders from various parts of Europe
  • Workshop Topics and Speakers are available here.


School Partnership Development:

  • Schools will be assigned a time to host a digital presentation to other participants during the conference.
  • We encourage you to think about ways that you want to collaborate with schools from other countries for the mutual benefit of your students and teachers. The best encouragement for partnership is highlighting what you can offer to others in these partnership opportunities.
  • Educational leaders from more than 35 countries are already registered.


Conference Costs: 


Christian schools in Africa and Asia

ACSI Europe members Western region, US and international schools

ACSI schools - eastern region (HU, RO, CZ, PL, SK, UA, etc.)

Cost for a fully online conference

20* EUR / person

100 EUR / person

40 EUR* / person


** These participants receive a scholarship to help cover the costs of this conference.

A 5% discount is available for groups of 5 or more participants from the same school. Please request this at registration.

Conference fees for the online event include:

  • All digital conference materials, links to live sessions and networking tools during and after the event.
  • Complimentary access to CSIP through August 2021.


Payment and Cancellation Policy for the online event option:

  • All conference fees must be paid before March 1, 2021. There is no participation limit.
  • Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer after completing the registration process.
  • No refunds for cancellations.


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