Student Leadership Conference 2024

     Inspiring biblical leadership

Our annual Student Leadership Conference is an in-person event. Registration opens on March 1, 2024. Space for up to 220 participants is available for both of the 2 events in consecutive weeks. Register early to reserve your space!

"May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you." Psalm 33:22SourceOfHope

Hope is a wonderful gift from God and a powerful tool of the Christian leader. When our hope is rooted in the Good News of Jesus Christ, our purpose and mission become much bigger than serving our own needs or the needs of our community. Our mission takes on an eternal value and inspires a hope-filled transformation of hearts and lives. The conference sessions explore this hope in the context of our identity, our community and our ministry as emerging leaders under the authority of God and His Word.

SLC is a unique opportunity for secondary students to grow in their faith and in their leadership skills, and to fellowship and worship together with like-minded young people from many nations. SLC includes several main sessions, workshops, student discussion groups and time for fellowship and interaction between students and adults. Our desire is to serve your school and inspire ongoing student leadership training. It will be important for you to plan with your student team now to prepare for this event.

registerREGISTRATION online - closed!

     Sep 25-28 OR Oct 2-5, 2024 (for ages 13-18 both weeks)

NOTE: The September event fills quickly. Register early next year to reserve space for your group!

- You must have an active ACSI school membership to register.

slc group19Program for 13-18 year old students:
We have an SLC program which ensures that the experience for each grade level is appropriate and of the best quality. Students are provided with their own discussion groups designed specifically for their needs, introducing them to the foundations of biblical leadership and the character qualities on which to build. 

Students from age 16 and up have the option to lead discussion groups of their peers or for younger students. Those students who want to serve as discussion group leaders for either age group must participate in a short online training course beginning in early September. NOTE: We require contact information for the nominated student discussion leaders when you submit participant data.

Student Selection:
It is very important to begin your student selection well in advance. Please consider now how this will be done so that it most benefits your students and your school as a whole. 

The graduated pricing serves to encourage schools to think about selecting students early so that they will be better prepared for this event. We have many ideas for helping you prepare your students for SLC. We want each student to get the most out of this event, which can only happen with your excellent support, planning and prayer. 


Zichy-Vajta Konferencia Központ

Directions and travel options here

Pricing and Registration:

  • Register as soon as possible! Places are limited and usually fill very quickly, especially for the first week of SLC.
  • Registration prices are per person:
    • 250 Euro in the dorm with common bathroom
    • 265 Euro in the apartments with private bathroom
    • Adults with students in the apartments have access to double rooms for 270 E or single rooms for 290 E per person.
    • Subsidized rates for Hungarian, Romanian, Czech, Slovak, Polish and other central and eastern Europe schools as well and French schools.
  • Schools can register their group beginning March 1 and then provide details for each participant as soon as possible using the secure link sent by email.
  • Schools must provide 1 designated chaperone for every 10 student participants. We strongly recommend both male and female chaperones if your group is mixed.
  • A late fee of 20% will be charged for any registrations received after September 7.


Conference Preparation Documents:

  1. Choosing and preparing your SLC team
  2. Draft Schedule for SLC
  3. Description of SLC
  4. Guiding the Action Plan
  5. Workshop Proposal Form


Cancellation Policy

  • Student and group information must be confirmed by August 31 or you will be moved to the waiting list so that others can participate.
  • If you cancel participation on or after September 5, we are not able to refund any payments. Participation can be transferred to another adult or student.



Week 1 speakers: 

MikeEppMike Epp (Senior Vice President, ACSI Global) For over 35 years, Mike has been involved in Christian school education. Mike served at Pan American Christian Academy, a bilingual international Christian school in São Paulo, Brazil, for 19 years. Since 2007, he has worked globally with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). He travels extensively to serve the Christian schooling community around the world. Mike has been very happily married to his wife Cindy for 45 years. They have two married adult children and four grandchildren.

oliver jokischOliver Jokisch Oliver has been married 29 years to Kerstin and they have two adult children. He has been a Christ-follower for 39 years, is headmaster of a German High-School and served as a missionary to Kenya, Uganda, Somalia and the US. He has also been a leading sports chaplain in Germany for 6 years.

paul madsenPaul Madsen Paul Madsen is a husband, father, teacher and learner who has lived in 4 countries and many cultural contexts. He has taught in Christian schools in the US and abroad for many years. He now works as an educational consultant with ACSI Europe developing professional resources, providing training for both teachers and students and directing the annual Student Leadership Conference. 

Week 2 speaker: 

jerry 3Jerry Nelson - Jerry Nelson joined the ACSI family in 2020 as the Special Assistant to the President and currently serves as ACSI's Chief Ministry Officer. He previously spent 11 years as the Head of School at Northwest Christian Academy in Florida. While there, Nelson created a Teacher Development Program, a Student Leadership Development Program, and Parent Education Program, and wrote three books. He earned his master's degree in Educational Leadership from St. Thomas University.

At SLC we want to:

- Grow in our personal commitment to love and serve God
- Recognize and respond to God's call on our lives
- Develop the leadership skills that God has gifted us with
- Strengthen our spiritual support network



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