Student Leadership Conferences

Our Student Leadership Conferences are international events for ACSI member schools that take place in Hungary early each school year. These are unique opportunities for students to grow in their faith and in their leadership skills, and to fellowship and worship together with like-minded young people from many nations.

We provide 2 SLC events in consecutive weeks, each with the same program and theme but different workshops and speakers. Each conference serves 180-240 participants from about 20 schools.

Upcoming SLC dates: 

  • SLC 2025 : Sep. 24 - 27 and Oct. 1 - 4
  • SLC 2026 : Sep. 23 - 26 and Sep. 30 - Oct. 3
  • SLC 2027 : Sep. 22 - 25 and Sep. 29 - Oct. 2
340 participants attended our 16th annual SLC! Theme: "Leaders Who Love Truth" (I Timothy 1). Speakers: Paul Goodnight and Ken Rudolph more...
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Christian schools are growing

The times are “dark”, but Christian schools in Europe are growing. ACSI Europe leaders participated in meetings with Christian education leaders in January 2024 at the EU Parliament. This is a summary from CNE News.

Five stages of Christian school maturity

"Going Deeper: The 5 Stages of Christian School Maturity" by Shaun Brooker explores the journey of Christian schools towards maturity and excellence. Each stage represents a different level of authentic Christian education, which directly influences their maturity and effectiveness in fulfilling the school's mission.

ACSI Day of Prayer 2024

On February 27, 2024, join Christian school leaders, teachers and students around the world for a day of prayer. Resources are provided for schools to organize prayer-centered activities designed to focus our attention on God's presence and provision for His work through global Christian education.

Essential Christian Teacher 2023

The Essential Christian Teacher is a unique teacher training programme provided in cooperation with Christian Schools' Trust (UK) that seeks to increase your practical understanding of how you can function effectively in your classroom in your Christian school. Registration ends on July 3, 2023.