International Student Leadership Conference, Zánka, Hungary
ACSI Europe is celebrating the 20th anniversary of serving student leaders through one of its most valued events, the student leadership conference.
This year our conference registration filled up within a few weeks after we opened the registration. We expect close to 400 participants, which is the maximum number at the camp currently. Within less than three weeks, students gather from 40 schools in 15 countries with the desire to be inspired, encouraged, and equipped for walking on the path of leadership. Please pray for the speakers, chaperones, workshop leaders, discussion group leaders, and all the participants that they would be once again richly blessed through this event.
We appreciate your prayers and continued support. Without your financial support many of these potential leaders could not benefit from the blessings of this program.
Our plan for future is to hold two conferences, one in the last week of September, and the other in the first week of October to allow more schools and students to participate. Having two conferences will also enable us to add a new program for middle-school students to the conference. For many years, schools have been asking us if they could bring younger students. Please pray for wisdom for us as we develop this new leadership program for younger students for SLC 2019.