This is a 1 day event for teachers and administrators on October 7, 2017. We welcome all Romanian and English speaking Christian teachers and administrators.
Cost: 35 RON for ACSI members, 40 RON for others
Biserica Baptistã “Sfânta Treime”
Str. Prof. Iuliu Valaori nr. 20
030682 Sector 3, Bucuresti, Romania
On-line Registration is closed
Speakers: Laci Demeter and Paul Madsen, ACSI Europe
9:00 – 9:30 Arrival and registration
9:30 – 10:15 Conference Opening & Greetings
10:15 – 11:30 Plenary session I – Teaching for Heart and Mind – Laci Demeter
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 13:15 Workshops
1. Workshop – Liz Rauca (kindergarten)
2. Workshop – Dr. Alina Cirja (kindergarten)
3. Workshop – Dr. Octavian Baban (teachers)
4. Workshop – “Finding another definition for failure and success” – Ema Cãprar
5. Workshop – "Our Students as Agents of Change" - Paul Madsen
6. Workshop – “Enganging Students with God’s Word in Bible Class” – Roslyn Barnes
7. Workshop – “21st Century Classroom Practices” – Laci Demeter
13:15 – 14:30 Lunch / Fellowship / Book Purchase
14:30 – 15:45 Plennary session II – Improving our Teaching Practices: Leveraging New Ideas for Learning in Today's Culture - Paul Madsen
15.45 – 16.00 Conference Closing
Conferences for Christian school leaders and teachers in Romania included 2 regional teacher events and a special event for school leaders in 2024. This summarizes the events with some key feedback from the participants who benefited greatly from their time together and collaboration in learning.
It was a blessing to be with educators from five vocational schools to learn from each other ways that we can serve students who are gifted with more practical skills and abilities and may struggle with the academic setting.
1182 Budapest, Óhuta u. 46.
Tel.: +36-1-292-6246