This is a 1 day event for teachers and administrators on March 25, 2017. We welcome all Romanian and English speaking Christian teachers and administrators.
Cost: 35 RON for ACSI members, 40 RON for others
Biserica Baptistã Sfânta TreimeStr. M. Kogãlniceanu nr. 14
330094 Deva, Romania
9:00 – 9:30 Arrival and registration
9:30 – 10:15 Conference Opening & Greetings
10:15 – 11:30 Plenary session I – Skills for success – Dr. Dan Bishop
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 13:15 Workshops
1. Workshop – We must do better – Dr. Dan Bishop
This workshop is designed to help us check a few areas that we must never sacrifice to mediocrity if we want our students to succeed.
2. Workshop – Legal aspects regarding schools activities – Ionuț Nistor
3. Workshop – Inspecting schools / biblical integration / character – Cioarã Dana
4. Workshop – “Instruments and samples of activities for learning letters and numbers for preschool and elementary levels” - Liz Rauca
In this seminar we want to present samples of activities where children joyfully learn numbers and letters. These activities are different than the ones we usually do in kindergarten or school, as they bring a new perspective based on the principle: „When children are joyfully engaged in learning, the brain transmits the desire for repeating.”
5. Workshop – The Christian Teacher – a city of refuge for his students – Prof. Alina Burcã, Dorina Popa and Varvara Daniela
We are all overwhelmed and labored under burdens. There are so many ,,killers of …” in our life, and they follow us, so we need a ,,city of refuge”. Our students need this kind of “cities”. How can we demolish the walls of stone we build around our hearts, in order for the students to find a city of refuge in us?
6. Workshop - “Finding another definition for failure and success” – Ema Cãprar
It is a blessing to understand the events you are facing every day. There is a great benefit when you are able to shape your emotions and to appreciate the other people’s emotions. As teachers, we are first of all dealing with people. One of the most important aspects of success is to know how to deal with people and to appropriately evaluate failure. During this seminar we will understand the role of emotional intelligence when approaching the failure and success.
7. Workshop - 21st Century Classroom Practices – Laci Demeter
In this workshop we will look at how our teaching strategies should reflect the 21st Century needs of our students.
8. Seminar – Making the learning process efficient in 21st century – Cãtanã Gheorghe
We intend to bring into attention the problems of 21st century education. We want to have an open discussion with the participants. The teacher needs to adjust his methods to the present circumstances in order to successfully fulfill his calling.
13:15 – 14:30 Lunch / Fellowship / Book Purchase
14:30 – 15:45 Plennary session II – The 21st Century Calling of the Christian Teacher - Laci Demeter
15.45 – 16.00 Conference Closing
Conferences for Christian school leaders and teachers in Romania included 2 regional teacher events and a special event for school leaders in 2024. This summarizes the events with some key feedback from the participants who benefited greatly from their time together and collaboration in learning.
It was a blessing to be with educators from five vocational schools to learn from each other ways that we can serve students who are gifted with more practical skills and abilities and may struggle with the academic setting.
1182 Budapest, Óhuta u. 46.
Tel.: +36-1-292-6246