This is a one day event, English speakers are also welcome. Register now!
Theme: “Knowing the dimensions of the teacher’s ministry of serving”
Conference fees:
Basic fee (includes registration fee, notes and refreshments): 35 RON
Discounted fee for ACSI member schools: (includes registration fee, notes and refreshments): 33 RON
Registration: Please access our on-line registration system with the link below. Teachers from the same school can register together (this is called "group registration") under the same account.
9:30 - 10:00 Conference Opening
10:00 - 11:00 Plenary I – Knowing Who We Are Serving – Laci Demeter
11:15 - 12:15 – Workshops I
Workshop 1 – Realistic and Nonrealistic Expectations of Parents from Christian Schools - Liviu Cãprar
Workshop 2 - Practical Biblical Integration for the High School Classroom – Paul Madsen
Workshop 3 - Instruments and Examples of Activities for Learning Letters and Numbers for Preschoolers and Elementary Students – Liz Rauca
Workshop 4 – Order, Harmony and Efficiency in Daily Activities in the Kindergarten
Class – Practical Ideas for Building the Educational Environment – Olar Viorica
Workshop 5 – Early Education Between Theory and Practice – Sorina Pop
12:15 - 13:30 Lunch/ Fellowship/Book purchase
13:30 - 14:30 – Workshops II
Workshop 1 - Teacher-Student Relationships for Motivating Learning – Laci Demeter
Workshop 2 - Practical Biblical Integration for the High School Classroom – Paul Madsen
Workshop 3 – Standards for Internal Control – Sorina Pop
Workshop 4 – Joy and enthusiasm in teaching biblical lessons – Liz Rauca, Viorica Olar
Workshop 5 – Developing character through music (preschoolers and elementary students) – Liviu Rus
14:45 - 15:45 Plenary II – Knowing Why We Serve: Knowing Ourselves and Helping
our Students to Know Themselves - Liviu Caprar
15:45 - 16:00 Conference closing
16:00 - Departure
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How can we as Christian school leaders address the decaying sense of identity in our students and, even sometimes, in our faculty? Is there any help from God's Word to anchor our identity to something real instead of the culture and its fractured view of human identity?
Join Christian school leaders from across the Europe region for a time of prayer, fellowship and encouragement. This group meets on Zoom the 2nd Thursday each month at 13:00 CET to focus our attention on God's presence and provision for His work through global Christian education.
1182 Budapest, Óhuta u. 46.
Tel.: +36-1-292-6246