ACSI Romanian Regional Conference - Baia Mare

This is a 1 day event for teachers and administrators on Oct. 31, 2015. This event will have native Romanian, German, French and English presenters with translation to Romanian.

Theme: The Relevance of the Christian School in the Postmodern World

Online Registration through October 26

Keynote speaker:  

Walter Rudolph has been married to Angelika for 39 years and has two adult sons. His Teacher Training Studies are in mathematics and biology. He is a founding father of the Schuilleiter Freie Evangelical School, Lörrach and since 1995 has served as headmaster of the Freie Evang. School, Lahr (elementary, Werkreal, Realschule and Gymnasium with 500 students). He is a board member of VEBS and founded and, together with Angelika, oversees the "Institute for Bible-oriented Didactics (BofA)".

Special guest workshop presenter, Daniel Neuhaus: Daniel is the Director for ACSI Francophonie based in Saint-Louis, France which serves French speaking Europe and parts of French speaking Africa. He has served many years in Christian education as a teacher, administrator, consultant and trainer for Christian teachers and schools. He and his wife, Sonja, have 4 grown children.

Cost: 30 RON for ACSI members, 35 RON for others

Location: Biserica Penticostala Muntele Sionului

Str. Oituz nr. 1
437229 Baia Mare, RO


9:00 - 9:30 Arrival and registration

9:30 – 9:45 Conference Opening

9:45 – 10:45 Plenary session I - "School and Christian understanding of the world - 8 Principles for the practice - part 1" – Walter Rudolph

The Biblical worldview is formulated in 8 principles that can influence the school practice and are demonstrated in teaching and education. A possible approach.

11:00 - 12:00 Workshops I

1. “Examples of Bible-oriented didactics" – Walter Rudolph

What is the difference between a secular and a biblical teaching in subjects like Science (elementary level), Language, Math, etc.? Understanding the principle. 

2. “Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone of Education” – Daniel Neuhaus

As teachers we have a lot to learn from Jesus, our Model of Teacher. His example challenges us in our personal life, our identity and calling, but also our methods and teaching skills.

3. “Discipling – challenging and inspiring our students to be more than just Christian” – Paul Madsen

The word “disciple” was used by the early believers to describe themselves. How can we encourage our students to truly be disciples and follow Christ daily?

4. “21st Century Christian Schools – Are you ready?” – Laci Demeter

What are the 21st Century Skills, and how are they different from the skills you are currently teaching? Why do we need to teach 21st century skills at our Christian schools? How can we develop those skills in our students?

5. “Sources for replenishing our energy” – dr. Anamaria Balla

There is difference between tiredness and exhaustion! Burnout, physical and psychological exhaustion are more frequent and appear earlier in the lives of active people. How can we avoid exhaustion, and if it appears how can we replenish our energy? We will try to find varied and efficient answers during this workshop.

6. “Order, harmony and efficiency in the kindergarten’s daily” – practical ideas for setting up the educational environment – Cotta Tabita, Olar Vioric

This is a very practical workshop and it offers useful ideas for designing the educational space in the kindergarten’s classroom.

7. The Management of the instructional activity and the moral values – dr. Flore Drãgan

Christian teachers are called to be moral agents through the overall management of instructional activity and to integrate Christian values in every moment and step of the instructional process. The essential questions are: “What kind of examples are teachers in reality?” And “What are the moral values they implement consciously and unconsciously in the lives of their students?”

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch / Fellowship / Book Purchase

13:30 – 14-30 Workshops II

1. “Communicating with students in a postmodern world” – Paul Madsen

What are the characteristics of today’s youth and how does that influence our approach to teaching and communication in the classroom? If we want to be effective teachers, we will need to consider the ways in which our students view the world and make decisions about what they believe.” 

2. “Project-Based Learning at the Christian Schools” – Laci Demeter

This workshop will help you become more intentional and purposeful about developing critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity as competencies of your students through teaching your subject using project-based learning?

3. ”Language stimulation in preschoolers” – dr. Anamaria Balla

As we live in a society where efficient communication is critical, we cannot neglect the subject of language development in preschoolers. During this workshop we will get to know the stages of language development and methods that can work both in preventing the language disorders and their therapy.

4. ”Present challenges in Romanian school education” – dir. Cãtanã Gheorghe

The purpose of this workshop is not to list the challenges but to support teachers with information and useful ideas that can help to face the present challenges in our schools in the areas of teaching religion in schools, teacher’s job, didactic awards and stages, committees and other issues.

5. “Joy and enthusiasm in teaching biblical lessons” – Cotta Tabita, Viorica Olar

The human’s greatest need (and especially the child) is to know God. We were motivated by the desire to present God to the children in a very easy and practical way, so we prepared this workshop. We will present interactive methods and means of teaching biblical lessons in kindergartens, schools and Sunday schools. 

6. “Managing conflicts in the classroom” – prof. Gabriel Braic

Conflict is more than competition, it is the negative combustion that reduces the student’s performance, dissolves the homogeneity of the class and decreases the interest in activities. In this workshop we will look for the causes of conflicts, we will try to find practical solutions and we will analyze the diagram of rising and solving the conflict according to the principles taught by our Master teacher, Jesus to His disciples.

14:45 - 15:45 Plenary session II - "School and Christian understanding of the world - part 2" – Walter Rudolph

„The wise men are ashamed (...), they have rejected the word of the Lord. So what wisdom do they have?” (Jeremiah 8:9)



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