November 8-19, 2010


  1. Nov 8 (Mon) – travel to Čeladná, Czech Republic


  1. N9 (Tues) – Beskedy Mountain Academy, Frydlant, Czech Republic:

·       Consultations with administrators

·       Meetings with students

·       Additional plans per director


  1. N10 (Wed) – travel to Liberec, Czech Republic


  1. N11 (Thurs) – J.A. Komenskeho School:

·       Consultation with director Tom Vagner

·       Teachers’ session – vision for Christian school education, lessons learned, encouragement

·       Additional plans per director


  1. N12 (Fri) – travel to Zielona Gora, Poland


  1. N13-15 – Solomon School:

a.       Teachers (four sessions, 90 minutes each):

1)      “The School in Which God is Well Pleased” (the essence of Christian education) Alan

2)      “Children of Power, Children of Mercy, and Classroom Management” Laci Demeter - English PPT, Polish PPT

3)      “Discipline in the Classroom and Effectiveness of Teaching”  Malinda

4)      “The Role of the Teacher in the Modern School - How to Keep the Joy of Teaching (and avoid burnout)”  Malinda and Alan

b.      Parents (one meeting, 60 minutes):  Laci - English PPT, Polish PPT

1)      “Practical Christian Principles at School and Home” (with particular emphasis on the following aspects):

a)      Building your child's proper self-image

b)      How to help children discover their identity

c)       How to deal with aggression and rebellion in children

c.       Church service, Sunday:  Alan and Laci - Word Outline EN

1)      “Biblical Mandate for Christian Education”

2)      “Discipline: Boundaries in the Lives of Students”

d.      School visit, Monday:

1)      10.00 – Meeting with board president  

2)      11.50-12.35 – Chapel for grades 0-3 (character) Malinda

3)      13.00-13.45 – Chapel for grades 4-6 (character)  Alan


  1. N16 (Tues) – travel to Poznan, Poland:


  1. N17 (Wed) – Podstawowa School:

·       First visit to this new member school

·       Consultation with director Jaroslav Pietrzak

·       Additional plans per director


  1. N18 (Thurs) – travel to ‘Arka’ School, Wroclaw, Poland:

·       Consultation with director Zosia Lewendowska

·       Additional plans per director


  1. N19 (Fri) – travel to Alberta Schweitzera School, Gliwice, Poland:

·       Visit new primary school

·       Meet with new primary school director


  1. N19 (Fri) - Return to Budapest


ACSI Online Professional Development

Dołącz do naszej profesjonalnej, dynamicznej społeczności online i ucz się z innymi chrześcijańskimi nauczycielami z całego świata według własnego harmonogramu.

Kursy prowadzone są w języku angielskim i rozpoczynają się w lutym, kwietniu i październiku. Zarejestruj się teraz!

ECCEN Event Invitation

In cooperation with an ACSI Europe partner organization in The Netherlands, we invite our Christian school leaders to participate in this event.

Kursy szkoleniowe online dla nauczycieli w 2018 r.

Zarejestruj się teraz. Classes available in English only at this time. If several teachers from your language group join a course, we will help you organize periodic discussions in your language.