ACSI Online Professional Development

Join our Personalized, Professional, Dynamic, Online Learning Community and learn with other Christian teachers from around the world on your own schedule!pexels photo 461077 small

Courses are now in progress! You can view a detailed course list at: Online Teacher Training Courses for 2018

ACSI Professional Development is accomplished, in part, through our online course offerings. Each course is designed as a practical and highly interactive course for all participants at each course offering. It does not require you to travel or even to connect to a live lecture, but instead uses an asynchronous environment on a Moodle platform to provide quality content in the form of short videos and reading selections to each participant. The courses are greatly enhanced by the participant interaction and peer-learning and teaching as well as the direct application of concepts to the Christian school classroom.

Personalized, Professional, Dynamic, Online Learning Communities
  • Personalized: Studying on your own schedule and focusing on what is important in your school setting
  • Professional: Building on the 4 key skills of 21st Century learning with and from professional educators
  • Dynamic: Enriching your understanding of both content and methods for quality, Christ-centered education
  • Online: Learning together with colleagues in multiple countries and varied educational settings
  • Learning Communities: Ensuring strong group engagement that will continue throughout the course and beyond

Enroll now for your online course

Course availability is dependent on the number of participants.
Courses are delivered through our Moodle platform at:

Our Current Course Schedule Includes:

CourseYear Copy 1

Kryzys nowoczesnego ja

Jak możemy jako liderzy szkół chrześcijańskich zająć się pogarszającym się poczuciem tożsamości naszych uczniów, a czasami także naszego personelu? Czy jest jakaś pomoc w Słowie Bożym, która pozwoli nam zakotwiczyć naszą tożsamość w czymś rzeczywistym, zamiast w kulturze i jej zfragmentaryzowanym spojrzeniu na tożsamość ludzką?

A Stronger Future for Christian Education

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Raport IELC 2024

IELC 2024 było błogosławionym i przytłaczającym wydarzeniem, pełnym wiedzy, błogosławieństw, prawości i miłości do Boga. dla mnie było to wydarzenie niezbędne, aby dorosnąć duchowo i zawodowo.

Platforma Doskonalenia Szkół Chrześcijańskich

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