ACSI Europe newsletters provide brief summaries of the ministry of ACSI and the Christian schools in our region with prayer requests. Thank you for partnerning with ACSI Europe for the blessing of God's kingdom through Christian education!

Please signup for ACSI Europe news at - These newsletters are sent to the "Highlights" interest group.

February 2024 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

March 2023 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

October 2022 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

March 2022 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

December 2021 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

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Blazing the Trail

... youth tend to resemble the beliefs and core values of their parents and other significant relationships they have with people in their community ...

ACSI Day of Prayer

On February 23, 2021, join Christian school leaders, teachers and students around the world for a day of prayer. Resources are provided for schools to organize prayer-centered activities designed to focus our attention on God's presence and provision for His work through global Christian education.

IELC 2021 Invitation

The theme for this year is "Strategic Initiatives for School Improvement" and will highlight Dr. Larry Taylor, ACSI President, Dr. Wolfgang Stock, CEO of VEBS, as well as other highly qualified speakers and school leaders in the live virtual sessions and workshops.

Report on SLC 2020

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent Student Leadership Conference.

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