3rd Forum on Christ-centered Education for Spain
spain conference

We invite pastors, educators, missionaries, and all those with an interest in Christian Education, Friday and Saturday, April 20-21, 2018. Theme of the conference: The hallmarks of a Christ-centered education

Theme: The hallmarks of a Christ-centered Education

The Program includes: Workshops, testimonies, time to pray and share ideas in small groups, coffee and lunch

Online Registration open until April 16

Who: Pastors, educators, missionaries, and all those interested in Christian education.

What: A 3rd forum to facilitate the communication and networking for those in Christian Education in Spain. 

When: Friday and Saturday, April 20-21, 2018 (Friday18:00 - 21:00 h., Saturday from 8:30 to 17:00 h.)

Where: Immanuel Baptist Church, Madrid

            Calle Hernández de Tejada, 4, 28027 Madrid, Spain

            Google maps:   https://goo.gl/maps/nEc3Xmm2ztu

Why: so that we might:

  1. Think and learn together about the biblical mandate of education
  2. Evaluate the distinctives of Christ-centered education
  3. Collaborate in a vision for Christ-centered Education for Spain
  4. Listen to testimonies of what we have already done in this area
  5. Consider the role of ACSI in Spain
  6. Exchange ideas and pray for the projects in Spain

Provided by: 

Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI Europe):  https://acsieurope.org/es
Life International School (Tres Cantos): http://lifeschool.es
ACSI Logo Europe RGB 250w






Price: 20 Euros (lunch and coffee breaks included) payable by bank transfer

            or 25 Euros on the day of the event.

Bank transfer details:

Account No. - ES7601821331880201628492
Name - ACSI España
Concepto - your full name, Fórum EC 

Facilitator:  Scot Musser:  696-748-889, scot_musser@acsi.org

See the Spanish version for program details.




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3º Fórum de EC en España

20 Apr 2018 to 21 Apr 2018