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ACSI Europe
László Demeter, Europe Regional Director
1182 Budapest, Óhuta u. 46.
ACSI Francophonie
Daniel Neuhaus, Francophone Director
16 rue dela Fontaine
68300  Saint-Louis cedex, FR
Germany Services
Contact VEBS, our partner organization:
Verband Evangelischer Bekenntnisschulen e.V.
Colorado Springs, CO 80962
The Netherlands
Bert Vogel
Romania Services


acsi staff1Our ACSI Europe team includes a group of highly committed and experienced educators from several countries. Our expertise and background includes school leadership, school governance, curriculum development, spiritual formation, theology, school culture, school improvement, teacher training/coaching, teaching strategies, communications, web development, event planning and service development. Read more.
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(All gifts will be receipted and are US tax-deductible.)
Send your check payable to "Association of Christian Schools International" with the designation "For ACSI Europe Office" to:
PO Box 62249
Colorado Springs, CO 80962

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The Purpose of Education

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How can I grow as a teacher?

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