Highlights for May 2016

Current news and prayer requests from ACSI Europe

Dear Friends of ACSI Europe,

Greetings to you with Romans 8:28!
"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

This month again we have seen God's work in and through His people. It is such a privilege to have partners and praying friends like you in building God's Kingdom through Christian schools. We are excited about sharing God's good works in our midst during the month of May, 2016.
May 5-8 - EurECA Conference in Lisbon, Portugal
EurECA stands for European Educators’ Christian Association. Laci and Rita Demeter were blessed to be part of this conference where 200+ Christian teachers gathered from 17 countries. It was amazing to have such a large group of Christian teachers from Portugal. The conference provides an excellent opportunity for networking and professional and spiritual growth for teachers.
Laci presented a workshop on "21st Century Learning in the Christian Schools", and he was able to invite conference participants to the ACSI International Educational Leadership Conference to be held in Budapest on March 1-4, 2017.
Laci teaching a workshop
Laci introducing ACSI IELC 2017
May 11-14 - ACSI Summer Institute in Nagybereg, Ukraine
ACSI Europe was pleased to be invited back to serve the Hungarian Christian schools in Ukraine again. Laci Demeter and Ági Jordanidisz taught a 30 hour course on "21st Century Pedagogy in the Christian School". We addressed topics like: developing critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills in our students, debate, project based learning, formative assessment, etc. - all topics addressed from a biblical perspective.
We had a very enthusiastic group of teachers to work with. We also explored how Jesus used all of these 21st century teaching techniques in the 1st century.
Reformed High School in Nagybereg, Ukraine
Two groups are debating, while two other groups are the judges
Teachers working on projects in pairs
May 15 - 20th Anniversary Celebration of Baptist High School Resita, Romania
It was a privilege for Laci Demeter to attend this special event, and bring greetings on the behalf of ACSI. As part of the celebration the school remembered how ACSI has been instrumental all these years in helping develop the school to its present complexity and quality.
I want to thank the former ACSI Europe regional directors, Henry Toews, and Alan Brown for their huge investment in this particular school as well as the Christian schools in Romania. This school is an excellent example of God's blessings on churches and schools working together in unity and integrity.
May the Lord continue to bless the school and provide for all their needs.
Laci bringing greetings on behalf of ACSI
May 19 - Education Matters
Congratulations to our colleague, Ágnes Jordanidisz upon receiving her PhD degree. We are very proud of her!
May 23-31 - Investing in Future Leaders
Adriana Kerkstra, a university student from the Netherlands, who earlier participated twice in our Student Leadership Conference, requested if she could spend a week at our office learning more about how a Christian ministry organization functions as she is seeking God's will for her career.
It was a delight to share with her about the ministry of ACSI to the Christian schools in Europe and beyond. She met with our office staff to learn about what we do and why we want to do that, she also participated in our online devotional, hearing from Daniel Neuhaus about ACSI's ministry to the Francophone world.
Adriana also read two books while she was in Budapest, and completed a project on how to find God's will in choosing your career. If you would like to be blessed by reading Adriana's project, click HERE.
Adriana (on the left) with Debi (Laci's daughter) in front of the Basilica in Esztergom, Hungary
We appreciate your partnership and friendship. Thank you for your continued prayers and support of our ministry.
Please pray for our upcoming activities during the summer months:

Summer Program Development
ACSI Europe is developing several new teacher training programs, both online and on-site. We would like to begin offering these courses in the Fall. 

June 18-July 10 - Laci's PhD studies at Columbia International University and visiting with friends in the US.

July 10-17 - Paul Madsen is taking a graduate course with Cairn University in Kandern, Germany. This course will further help Paul and our office in developing digital learning materials for our courses. 

July 26-Aug 7 - Paul Madsen is helping run the first Student Leadership Conference in Taiwan, which is replicating ACSI Europe's student leadership conference.

August 15-19 - ACSI Europe International Summer Institute (21st Century Christian Education) - Budapest, Hungary

August 22-26 - ACSI Europe Accredited Teacher Training (Teaching with a Mentor's Heart) Hajdúnánás, Hungary

With much love and prayers on behalf of the staff of ACSI Europe,

Laci Demeter
Europe Regional Director

SLC report 2024

At SLC 2024, I recognized at this conference that my time abiding with God is one of the most formative and important parts of being a leader. I also saw myself realizing that I need to recognize my gifts in order to grow God's kingdom.

The Purpose of Education

The hope of Christ-centered education is not in education as the solution, but rather in Christ as the solution and in education as a process to knowing Him and engaging in His world.

How can I grow as a teacher?

To meet the commitment of investing in your own growth and learning as a professional Christian teacher, there are a variety of resources you can explore. Here are some valuable options to consider:

IELC report 2024

"The IELC 2024 was a blessed and overwhelming event full of knowledge, blessings, righteousness, and love of God. for me it was a necessary event to grow up spiritually and professionally."

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