The Crisis of the Modern Self


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How can we as Christian school leaders address the decaying sense of identity in our students and, even sometimes, in our faculty? Is there any help from God's Word to anchor our identity to something real instead of the culture and its fractured view of human identity? We encourage you to think and pray through this with your leadership team and your teachers to see what practical steps can be taken together!

In his article, "C.S. Lewis and the Crisis of the Modern Self," Thiago M. Silva examines the contemporary challenges of autonomy, fragmented identity, and the loss of objective meaning, drawing upon C.S. Lewis's insights.


The Illusion of Autonomy

Silva discusses the modern emphasis on self-definition without higher authority, which Lewis critiques as a flawed pursuit. True freedom, according to Lewis, is found not in self-assertion but in surrendering to God's design, aligning with the biblical view that freedom comes from submission to Christ, liberating us from sin.


Fragmented Identity

The article addresses how the quest for self-constructed identities leads to contradictions and a fragmented sense of self, influenced by societal pressures and media. Lewis, through works like "The Screwtape Letters," illustrates how distractions and superficial pursuits can lead to a fragmented life, diverting individuals from eternal truths. The Bible offers a counter-narrative, encouraging believers to anchor their identity in Christ, as emphasized in Colossians 3:1–3.


Loss of Objective Meaning

The modern rejection of objective truth results in a subjective approach to meaning, leading to moral relativism and existential confusion. Lewis warns that abandoning absolute truth undermines moral judgments and human dignity. He advocates for a return to objective values rooted in God's character, as outlined in "The Abolition of Man."


Implications for Christian School Leaders

Christian school leaders can draw from these insights to address these challenges with truth and grace:

  1. Promote True Freedom: Educate students that genuine freedom is found in embracing God's design, encouraging self-surrender over self-assertion. (Discuss what freedom means and where it comes from and what is needed to maintain it in your history classes, in you language and literature classes, and in your Bible classes.)
  1. Foster Christ-Centered Identity: Cultivate an environment where students find their identity in Christ, countering societal pressures that lead to fragmentation. (Use language which identifies students as "sons", as "daughters" and as moral agents with an identity that is based in objective reality instead of their feelings.)
  1. Uphold Objective Truth: Teach and model that objective meaning and moral values are grounded in God's unchanging character, guiding students to navigate a relativistic culture. (Teach students to evaluate perspectives, ask good questions and compare all human ideas with the authoritative truth of Scripture.)


By integrating these principles, Christian schools can equip students to confront modern challenges, embodying truth and grace in their educational approach. 


ACSI Europe Online Prayer

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