Highlights for May 2017

Current news and prayer requests from ACSI Europe

Dear ACSI Europe Friends,

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This edition of ACSI Europe HIGHLIGHTS gives you a brief report on Laci Demeter and Mike Epp's school visitation in Germany - May 10-18.

Mike Epp, ACSI Senior Vice President Global and Laci Demeter, ACSI Europe Director were blessed to visit nine Christian schools, the VEBS (German Evangelical Christian Schools Association) Headquarters, attend a VEBS Leadership Conference, and visit and speak in a church during their 10-day visit in Germany.

School construction, growth, and improvement describe the German Christian school movement. Christian leaders have realized that this is the time to establish and expand Christian schools. The Lord has given an open door for this in Germany. We have met many Christian school leaders who had a strong vision for Christian schooling. Both Christian and non-christian families recognize the great value of Christian school education. At several schools there is a long waiting list, and therefore the schools are expanding.


We witnessed how new schools are being started even today. It is a miracle to see when God puts the vision for a new Christian school into the hearts and minds of a small community, and some time later a new Christian school is established. Let us pray for the young and new schools and their leaders that God would continue to encourage them and lead them in this challenging but also rewarding journey.


We were so blessed when we had a chance to share with the teachers of the Christian schools. It was inspiring to see their love for the Lord and for the children and families they serve. May the Lord renew their vision as Christian teachers each day.

We had many opportunities to share with Christian school students of all ages. When you talk to the students you can really see the fruit of the labor of their teachers. These students have shown great maturity of their faith in the Lord. 
Let us pray for the students of the 100+ Christian schools in Germany that they may be thoroughly equipped and prepared for a life of service to the Kingdom and to their society. 


It was such a blessing to meet with school leaders who always demonstrated a strong vision and commitment for high quality Christian education. There is not enough space here to include all of our photos :-).

It was a special privilege to attend the VEBS Leadership Conference during our time in Germany. This event focused on preparing Christian school leaders to be "resilient leaders", who can withstand the spiritual and physical challenges that Christian leaders are facing today. This gathering also gave us the opportunity to meet with more leaders of the VEBS Christian schools in Germany.


Thanks to Michael Pieper, school director in Bielefeld, we were able to visit this beautiful church in Bielefeld. 
It is always special to enjoy fellowship with our brothers and sisters in other countries, and realize that we are part of the same family worshiping together our loving Lord Jesus.

One of the most inspiring testimonies we heard during our school visits was the one that told the story of how military compounds with all their buildings have been turned into Christian schools. Some of these buildings were used by Hitler's army before and during WWII, and today -after great renovations- they serve hundreds of families, educating their children in the TRUTH. 

Laci and Mike would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to all the Christian school leaders who welcomed us to their schools, and especially to Michael Pieper, director of George Müller Christian School in Bielefeld and Berthold Meier, chief secretary of VEBS for their great help in organizing our program in Germany.


Please pray for:
June 16-July 29 - Laci's PhD studies at Columbia International University
June 29-July 1 - Laci's teaching at Hungarian Christian Schools' Convention in Pecs, Hungary
July 23-27 - ACSI Leadership Meetings in Colorado Springs
August 21-24 - Summer Institute for Hungarian Christian teachers
THANK YOU for your ongoing prayers and support of ACSI Europe's ministry!
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February 2024 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

Christian schools are growing

The times are “dark”, but Christian schools in Europe are growing. ACSI Europe leaders participated in meetings with Christian education leaders in January 2024 at the EU Parliament. This is a summary from CNE News.

Five stages of Christian school maturity

"Going Deeper: The 5 Stages of Christian School Maturity" by Shaun Brooker explores the journey of Christian schools towards maturity and excellence. Each stage represents a different level of authentic Christian education, which directly influences their maturity and effectiveness in fulfilling the school's mission.

ACSI Day of Prayer 2024

On February 27, 2024, join Christian school leaders, teachers and students around the world for a day of prayer. Resources are provided for schools to organize prayer-centered activities designed to focus our attention on God's presence and provision for His work through global Christian education.