Highlights for September 2016

Current news and prayer requests from ACSI Europe

ACSI Europe held its 18th International Student Leadership Conference with 325 participants from 16 countries in Zánka, Hungary on September 28-October 1, 2016.
It was such a blessing to have Bill Stevens as our keynote speaker, who started this event 18 years ago. The theme of the conference was "Picking up the towel of Leadership" based on the Scripture "Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet." John 13:14.
We praise the Lord for the opportunity of leadership training at all levels. During the conference students created an action plan that they take back to their schools and carry it out during the rest of the school year. 
Each year we hear testimonies of young adults who participated SLCs years ago, and how God has changed their life, and has been using them as grown-ups since. This year, we heard from Timea from Ukraine who participated an SLC years ago, and the Lord touched and changed her at the conference. She has become a teacher at one of the Hungarian Christian schools in Ukraine, and now she came with her students as their chaperone. 
We praise God touching and changing the lives of many through these events, and making an impact on their societies through them.
Timea, former SLC participant, now a teacher, is sharing her testimony.
Chaperones discussing how to serve their students, and praying for them.
Paul Madsen, SLC conference director and worship leader.
Bill Stevens, SLC 2016 keynote speaker, and founder of SLC. Student group in prayer for each other.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS for each SLC participant prior and during the conference!
Now, please pray that they all may be able to apply what they learned about servant leadership in their communities: at home, at school, in their towns, and for the glory of God's Kingdom.
You can learn more about SLC Europe 2016 at:
You may view all SLC 2016 pictures in our facebook page at:
ACSI Europe celebrated 10-year anniversary of VEBS 
ACSI's partner organization in Germany, Evangelical Christian Schools Association (VEBS), celebrated its 10-year anniversary on September 30-October 2, 2016. 
VEBS celebrated their anniversary during their annual convention with about 200 school leaders and teachers present. In the picture above you can the leadership team of VEBS.
Laci Demeter and Daniel Neuhaus were blessed to represent ACSI at this special event. ACSI is looking forward to a fruitful collaboration with VEBS as an association, and also their 80+ member schools.
Michael Basler, one of the VEBS leaders, is sharing with convention participants.
The focus of the anniversary celebration was to worship God for His faithfulness.
Timisoara Baptist High School Celebrates 25 Years
Laci Demeter was blessed to participate in the 25 year celebrations of Timisoara Baptist High School on October 9, 2016.
The Christian school movement of Romania, as well as ACSI's role in Eastern-Europe started in this church and city 26 years ago. Right after the Romanian Revolution in 1989, Pastor Peter Dugulescu (pastor of this church) contacted ACSI in the US to ask for help with starting Christian schools in Romania. Since that time God has blessed Romania with more than 80 Christian schools, all because of the vision of those Christian leaders at that time, and the faithfulness and hard work of many others who believed in what God can do through their Christian schools.
Today, you find Christian school graduates at all levels of the society.
Laci Demeter bringing greetings to the school and church community on behalf of ACSI.
The Timisoara  city mayor (on the right) was also present, and after his address of greetings, the director of the Christian school (Ilie Danut, on the left) gave him a Bible saying, "This is the foundation for all that we are teaching at the school, and therefore we want you to have it.". The school is praying for his salvation.
Please pray for:
October 14-15 - NILD International Conference with ACSI involvement, Budapest, Hungary
October 21-23 - Francophone School Administrators Conference, Châlon-sur-Saône, France
October 22 - Regional Teachers Conference, Bistrita, Romania
October 31 -New ACSI Europe online courses begin
THANK YOU for your ongoing prayers and support of ACSI Europe's ministry!
Donate to ACSI Europe

Christian schools are growing

The times are “dark”, but Christian schools in Europe are growing. ACSI Europe leaders participated in meetings with Christian education leaders in January 2024 at the EU Parliament. This is a summary from CNE News.

Five stages of Christian school maturity

"Going Deeper: The 5 Stages of Christian School Maturity" by Shaun Brooker explores the journey of Christian schools towards maturity and excellence. Each stage represents a different level of authentic Christian education, which directly influences their maturity and effectiveness in fulfilling the school's mission.

ACSI Day of Prayer 2024

On February 27, 2024, join Christian school leaders, teachers and students around the world for a day of prayer. Resources are provided for schools to organize prayer-centered activities designed to focus our attention on God's presence and provision for His work through global Christian education.

Essential Christian Teacher 2023

The Essential Christian Teacher is a unique teacher training programme provided in cooperation with Christian Schools' Trust (UK) that seeks to increase your practical understanding of how you can function effectively in your classroom in your Christian school. Registration ends on July 3, 2023.