2024 Day of Prayer

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The ACSI Day of Prayer is an annual event that advances Christ-centered education by advocating through prayer. These past few school years have presented many unique challenges, but God has given our school communities the strength to overcome adversities and pursue new opportunities. We encourage you to join ACSI when we unite across the globe to pray for Christ-centered education next year on Tuesday, February 27, 2024.

2024 dayofprayer

2024 Day of Prayer Theme: Faithfulness

This year’s theme is faithfulness. Throughout scripture, we see God stays true to His promises. He is steadfast. He is trustworthy. He never fails. God is faithful. No matter how big or small your need, just like he fed the Israelites manna (Exodus 16), he will provide for our daily needs. Just as God is faithful, we should remain faithful to Him to stand for righteousness even when it’s hard. And as a see the Day approaching, we should be faithful to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24-25). We pray that this theme allows you and your school community to celebrate God’s faithfulness while committing to stay faithful to God and each other. Our theme verse found in Isaiah 25:1 also reminds us that God has “done wonderful things, things planned long ago”. This simple reassurance can teach students that God has a special purpose and plan for their lives.

The Purpose of Education

The hope of Christ-centered education is not in education as the solution, but rather in Christ as the solution and in education as a process to knowing Him and engaging in His world.

How can I grow as a teacher?

To meet the commitment of investing in your own growth and learning as a professional Christian teacher, there are a variety of resources you can explore. Here are some valuable options to consider:

IELC report 2024

"The IELC 2024 was a blessed and overwhelming event full of knowledge, blessings, righteousness, and love of God. for me it was a necessary event to grow up spiritually and professionally."

February 2024 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

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