Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019!

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Christmas Greetings from ACSI Europe!

Thank you for your partnership in the global ministry of Christian education throughout 2018. We are so grateful that you are investing in the youth and children of your community and inspiring them to love God with head, heart and hands. Our calling is to help you be more effective in your ministry and connect you to the larger community of Christian schools for support and inspiration.
Please enjoy these snapshots of the work you have been connected to this year...

We are praying for your school, your teachers and your students and trust that this Christmas season and New Year will be a blessed time for you and your family. May God bless you.

The ACSI Europe Team

Student Leadership Conference 2018
Almost 400 participants from 16 different countries participated in our 20th SLC.
Teacher Conferences
Gathering with teachers for fellowship and professional development.
School Leader Conferences
Providing training and opportunities for networking among school leaders.
Online Learning for Teachers
We have continued to develop our online courses for teachers, including offering our innovative "International Collaborative Projects for Christian Schools" course.
School Visits and Training
It has been a pleasure to meet with many school leaders and teachers at your schools this year.
Bert Vogel joins the ACSI Europe team to volunteer his services as an educational consultant.
Bert is the former director (chairman of the executive board) of Calvijn College in the Netherlands. He served the school as a leader over a period of thirty years. His interest areas are teacher education, quality assurance in education built on the mission of Christian schools, and coaching in organizational leadership. Bert has gained an understanding of the cultural differences between Christian schools by having a sustainable connection with a school in Romania, and visiting other schools in Europe, America, Africa and Singapore. He passionately works to build a Christian education community that stands on a foundation of parents, teachers and school leaders who love Jesus Christ and have a deep desire to share the good news of the gospel.
Please pray for our next international leadership event.
We are excited about the opportunity that the ACSI International Educational Leadership Conference will provide for Christian school leaders here in Europe and beyond. The focus is on the theme of "Partnerships for Increased Impact". We are seeking the Lord's guidance to increase God's Kingdom through Christian schools worldwide. Join us as we learn together, work together, pray together, and seek His will together.
Conference information and registration:

The Purpose of Education

The hope of Christ-centered education is not in education as the solution, but rather in Christ as the solution and in education as a process to knowing Him and engaging in His world.

How can I grow as a teacher?

To meet the commitment of investing in your own growth and learning as a professional Christian teacher, there are a variety of resources you can explore. Here are some valuable options to consider:

IELC report 2024

"The IELC 2024 was a blessed and overwhelming event full of knowledge, blessings, righteousness, and love of God. for me it was a necessary event to grow up spiritually and professionally."

February 2024 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.