Highlights - March 2018

Dear ACSI Europe Friends!

Warmest greetings from the ACSI Europe team! We are so thankful for your continued partnership in the ministry of reaching the younger generations of Europe for God's Kingdom through Christian school education. We are almost at the end of March with some busy weeks behind us. We truly felt your prayerful support in our conferences and our online learning courses that kept us busy in February and March.

We would like to share with you some of the highlights of these activities, so that you may join us in praising God for His faithfulness and blessings.
Hungarian Christian School Leadership Conference
The conference was held on February 22-23, in Budapest. The nearly 100 participants studied the theme of "Spiritual Formation of Our Students". We had guest speakers from Germany, Holland, Czech Republic, and Hungary. Plenary sessions were followed by workshops focusing on how to implement new ideas in our school settings.
This conference was organized in cooperation with the Reformed and Lutheran Pedagogical Institutes. We praise God for this opportunity to reach and inspire Christian school leaders for school improvement.
PL/CZ/SK Christian School Leadership Conference
The conference was held in Katowice, Poland on March 7-9. We studied the theme of "School Improvement", with special attention to Character, Values, and Spiritual Formation of Students. It was a special blessing to have Mike Epp, Senior VP of ACSI with us. We also had guest speakers from Holland and Czech Republic.
The plenary sessions with followed by group activities according to language groups, and group reports to the conference. We felt that each story that was shared by a school leader was an encouragement to all the participants.
ro leaders 2018
Romanian Christian School Leadership Conference
The conference was held in Valea Draganului, Cluj County, Romania on March 15-17. The conference theme was The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership according to Kouzes and Posner's book, The Leadership Challenge. We looked at the five practices (Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart) from a biblical perspective and applied it to the Christian schools. 
Plenary sessions were taught by Laci Demeter from ACSI Europe, and Pieter Moans from VGS in Holland. Once again, participants found it very helpful to spend time in groups and discuss how to implement new ideas in their schools.
In February we offered three online courses with a total of more than 50 participants representing 12 different countries. Two of these courses have been completed by now with great success, and the Bible course is still running for two more weeks. We have seen unexpected blessings and encouragement in Christian teachers from different countries working closely together developing a project for their students. For example, a teacher from the Netherlands, another from Lithuania, and a third one from Nigeria developed a project on waste elimination and management for their Christian schools. They were able to build strong biblical integration in their project, which will shape the values and behaviors of their students.
In April, we begin three new courses, and we already have 100+ registrants for the courses. We praise God for this new opportunity of training and equipping Christian teachers to be more effective in their ministry.
Please pray with us:

Online Professional Development Courses.
Please pray for wisdom for Laci Demeter, Paul Madsen and Roslyn Barnes as they facilitate these courses, and that all the participants would find the courses inspiring and valuable.

Upcoming Regional Conferences and Training Events
March 24 - Romanian Regional Teachers Conference - Pascani, Romania
Please pray that many Christian teachers will come, and be encouraged in their professional and spiritual growth through this special event.
March 28 - In-Service training at Sztehlo Christian School in Budpaest
Please pray for this school, which is new in their membership with ACSI, and they would like to strengthen the school's spiritual climate, and are interested in learning more about biblical integration.
March 30-31 - "Soli Deo Gloria" Romanian Music Fest in Suceava, Romania
Please pray for the 300+ students who gather to worship the Lord, and encourage the Christian community of Suceava.
April 13-14 - Czech Christian Teachers Conference, Trinec, Czech Republic
Please pray for Laci as he shares with 200+ participants of the conference on Teaching for heart and Mind, and 21st Century Learning at the Christian School.
April 21 - In-Service training at Irinyi János Reformed School in Kazincbarcika, Hungary
Please pray for Laci as he shares on Classroom Management and Discipline, and The Seven Laws of the Teacher
April 24 - Spanish Forum for Christian Education
Please pray for Paul Madsen as he shares at this Forum along with Scot Musser, our ACSI representative for Spain and Portugal.
April 24-May 1 - USA Study Tour with Hungarian Reformed Textbook Developer Team
Please pray for Laci as he travels with this team of six people to visit the ACSI HQ to learn from specialists, and also to see how ACSI textbooks are used the the classroom. May this experience help this team develop quality Christian school textbooks for the Hungarian schools.


SLC report 2024

At SLC 2024, I recognized at this conference that my time abiding with God is one of the most formative and important parts of being a leader. I also saw myself realizing that I need to recognize my gifts in order to grow God's kingdom.

The Purpose of Education

The hope of Christ-centered education is not in education as the solution, but rather in Christ as the solution and in education as a process to knowing Him and engaging in His world.

How can I grow as a teacher?

To meet the commitment of investing in your own growth and learning as a professional Christian teacher, there are a variety of resources you can explore. Here are some valuable options to consider:

IELC report 2024

"The IELC 2024 was a blessed and overwhelming event full of knowledge, blessings, righteousness, and love of God. for me it was a necessary event to grow up spiritually and professionally."

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