IELC 2017 Report

This second conference was held in Budapest from the 1st to the 4th of March with the theme: "Leading from the Heart". Four plenary sessions, 10 workshops in 2 sessions and a panel discussion with the speakers made this conference inspiring for everyone!

The Conference was a blessing, thanks also to your prayers, for the 185 school directors from 24 nations. The four plenary sessions touched on different aspects of leadership in Christian schools and the workshops focused on the practical applications of Christian leadership. The debate with the speakers allowed us to ask all kinds of questions about leadership in Christian schools.

Outside of the conference sessions, there were two opportunities to make connections, to develop partnerships between the Christian schools represented. Some of the school representatives were able to display brochures and other materials, while the other participants made contact and visited the displays. On the second day, the previous day's visitors were in turn occupying stands with their displays.

Each person in the photo represents a nation. We are committed to praying for one another, all of us part of the global leadership community of Christian schools.
May God continue to use Christian schools for the advancement of His Kingdom. " that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" 2 Tim 3:17
Mike Epp, Senior Vice President ACSI Global teaching on Relational Competencies. Dr. Stephen Reel, Senior Director of the Southern Division for ACSI, teaching on "Leadership from the Heart".
Berthold Meier, General Secretary of the Association of German Christian Schools (VEBS) Drs. L.N. (Rens) Rottier, Board Chair of Driestar Christian University in Holland


During the conference, ACSI and representatives of the Committee of Dutch Reformed school leaders (BO) signed a partnership agreement. BO represents 9 schools, 27 campuses, nearly 2550 teachers and 26.000 students.







Networking among the Christian school leaders was one of the key features of this leadership conference.
Click on the link below for more pictures from the conference. 

IELC 2017 Photos

Christian teacher openings

Listed below are positions available in ACSI Europe member schools. If you are interested in any of the positions listed, please contact the school directly. Schools who are ACSI Europe members are welcome to advertise vacancies by providing a link to their current listings.

CSIP update for October 2022

Is your school engaged yet in the process of growth and learning provided for all our ACSI Europe member schools? It is a blessing to learn together using the tools provided in our Christian School Improvement Platform. Here is a summary of the latest updates.

October 2022 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

CSIP update for April 2022

Thank you for your participation in the Christian School Improvement Platform over the last 18 months! It has been a huge blessing to work more closely with our partner organizations and member schools as we consider how to better serve those in each country and language context.