Introducing Biblical Integration

What is biblical integration and why is it important for us to consider as teachers? This short video serves as an introduction to a study of the topic or as an intro to a day of professional development.

Video version by Paul Madsen:

Intro to Biblical Integration from ACSI Europe on Vimeo.

Have you heard about the universe next door? No, it's not science fiction. Yes, it is a book, but this phrase also describes the differences between your beliefs about the world and those of your neighbor. It is even possible that you and I see life from completely different perspectives based on our heritage, our education and our experiences.

We live in a world which is becoming increasingly fragmented. This is shown in people's desire to communicate their own ideas loudly and passionately with less and less consideration of other's opinions, the context of those ideas or what the impact those ideas might actually have on society.

The Bible itself communicated ideas which were largely rejected by the ancient world when it was written. Those ideas, perspectives about reality and how we should live as a result, were then instrumental in shaping Western society: education, human rights, democracy, religious and economic freedoms, science, technology and exploration. But now those ideas are twisted in a post-truth culture where I allow very few facts or opinions to dictate how I should feel, what I do or even who I am.

But how should we respond to biblical claims such as Hebrews 4:12? "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

Or to 2nd Timothy 3:16-17? "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."bible on table

Does the Bible describe reality? If the Bible does give us a truly accurate and more complete perspective about reality, how should this impact our lives, our teaching, our learning and our relationships? These are the questions we must ask ourselves, whether we want to or not.

And what is biblical integration? How does it help me to develop a unified view of the world that I can live out in daily life? How might biblical integration impact the curricular content in our classrooms and help us connect with what is really true about ourselves and our world?

Can integration be better than the natural tendency to live out a man-centered, or me-centered, view of the world? Can it be more meaningful than seeking my own benefit, my own opinions and needs, when these seem to be the only things of real consequence?

Where am I in this process? Have I purposefully taken the initiative to let the Word of God impact my life in a way that transforms my heart and my mind? Have I purposefully thought through the significance of a biblical worldview in relation to my subject area as a teacher? Have I purposefully used biblical principles to establish my view of my students as God's image bearers?

We want to explore these questions together in the coming days and years. I say years because biblical integration is really a life-long process. Are you groaning now or smiling? Yes, it is difficult but if it is taken seriously then it will lead to serious amounts of joy for you as an individual and in your work as a teacher!

I'm providing you with a link to an article here. Please read it with these 2 very practical questions in mind:

  1. How might these 8 basic worldview questions apply to the context of my classroom?
  2. How might these questions apply to the needs of my students?


I would like each of you to respond to this over the next few weeks in preparation for our time together. Use the link to the Google form below and we will continue our discussion soon!

You can view all the responses so far at this link.

NOTE that we suggest follow-up from this introduction at several points during the school year in your professional development activities.

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