March 2023 Ministry Highlights

Thank you for your partnership for the Kingdom of God!

We appreciate your continued prayers and support for the work of ACSI Europe! 

In this communication, I would like to give you an update on one of the largest projects our office started a little over three years ago. This project included developing the Christian School Improvement Platform (CSIP) to create a community where ACSI member schools can engage in self-assessment, define strategic goals and contribute to strategic development in partnership with other schools as they implement a Christian vision of education. Praise God and thanks to some generous donors, today, this platform is operational in 9 languages. After launching this platform a year ago, we realized that an in-person event, specifically designed to support this valuable service of school improvement could inspire and prepare school leaders for using this valuable tool (CSIP) more efficiently.

With that in mind, our team had designed CSIP ACADEMY, and successfully launched it last week. Praise God for that and we are also very thankful for the help and support of Micah Powers from Black Forest Academy and Jodi Oppenhuizen from Christian International School of Prague, along with our team of consultants, for sharing their expertise with the participants. This event is designed to offer a collaborative, professional experience to encourage and support school leaders as they work to implement a clear vision for Christian education. The  CSIP ACADEMY program is structured around four key areas of school improvement (Philosophy and Foundations, Leadership and Personnel, Teaching and Learning, Spiritual Formation) for Christian schools. Each session included an overview of the key topic, followed by a collaborative workshop session. Participants were able to select a workshop for each session based on which element of the key topic they wish to explore further. The workshop sessions involved time for discussion, reflection, sharing best practices and planning meaningful implementation steps for their own school context.

We praise God for this successful event with participants from 13 countries, and look forward to offering CSIP ACADEMY twice a year in the future.

We have been asked if we could perhaps add the Ukrainian language to the Christian School Improvement Platform (CSIP) to open the door for Christian schools in Ukraine to access this valuable service. The system is built to serve a multi-lingual community, and we add a new language to CSIP at the cost of translating and proofreading the text of the system.
The anticipated cost is approximately US$5,000.
Please let us know if you would like to help sponsor adding the Ukrainian language or another language to the CSIP platform.

Please enjoy the photos from CSIP ACADEMY from last week.
Laci Demeter, Director, ACSI Europe Division
inspire v1

Participants of the first ever CSIP ACADEMY representing 13 countries


It is wonderful to worship and pray together


Keynote session on Philosophy and Foundations


Workshop session on Teaching and Learning


Workshop session, discussion in groups


Posted: Mar. 8, 2023

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