Moodle platform access

moodle appThis affects you if you have links saved for your browser or if you are using the Moodle App on your mobile device. 

Login to the new ACSI Moodle platform at this link:

Our Moodle platform is accessible online or using a mobile device app. If you have links saved for your browser or if you are using the Moodle App on your mobile device, please be sure they are updated. You will need to reset your password for the 2019 platform using the "forgotten password" tool -

If you want to access courses from the spring 2019 or earlier, please go to

To access using the Moodle App:

  1. Delete the current server by going to the settings area of the App.
  2. Click "Change site".
  3. Click the "edit" symbol in the top-right corner.
  4. Delete the connection listed as ACSI eLearning or "".
  5. Provide the new site address:
  6. Connect.
  7. Provide your username and password (after resetting your password using a browser).


Download the mobile app at:

  1. Moodle - Apps on Google Play
  2. Moodle on the App Store - iTunes - Apple



How can I grow as a teacher?

To meet the commitment of investing in your own growth and learning as a professional Christian teacher, there are a variety of resources you can explore. Here are some valuable options to consider:

IELC report 2024

"The IELC 2024 was a blessed and overwhelming event full of knowledge, blessings, righteousness, and love of God. for me it was a necessary event to grow up spiritually and professionally."

February 2024 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

Christian schools are growing

The times are “dark”, but Christian schools in Europe are growing. ACSI Europe leaders participated in meetings with Christian education leaders in January 2024 at the EU Parliament. This is a summary from CNE News.