September 2019 Highlights

Dear Praying Friends of ACSI Europe! Warmest greetings from Budapest!

We praise God for His faithfulness and blessings during the past months. The Lord opened many opportunities for us to serve according to the mission statement of ACSI: 
ACSI exists to strengthen Christian schools and equip Christian educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire them to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
August 21-22 - Teacher Training for King David School
Paul Madsen and Laci Demeter were blessed to share with the faculty of King David School from Poland. The topic for our training included "The Teacher as a Mentor", Relational Tools in Teaching", "21st Century Learning Skills", and "Assessment is for Learning". The school is committed to the process of the ACSI accreditation.
August 28 - Teacher Training for Karacsony Christian School
Laci Demeter was blessed to teach on "Teaching Christian Values at the School", "Balancing Grace and Truth in Discipline".
Such training is always timely just a few days before the beginning of the school year.
A Brief visit with Liz Rauca in Romania
Laci Demeter was blessed to visit Liz Rauca and her family briefly in Romania. Liz has been helping ACSI in coordinating its activities in Romania for many years, while also being the director of a Christian kindergarten. It was a pleasure to enjoy the hospitality of Liz and her family.
Dutch Christian School Board Members in Hungary - September 18-20
The board members of the Christian schools from ACSI's partner association in Holland visited Hungary. Laci Demeter presented at the mini-conference, which was organized for them and other Christian school leaders in Miskolc on the topic "How to Develop a Vision for Christian Education, How to Create Ownership for It, and How to Keep it Alive?". It was wonderful to learn together and to discuss these important questions with our Dutch friends.
The next day, they visited two Christian schools in Budapest, one of which was the International Christian School of Budapest. They were most interested in discussing with the teachers of the school how they can best assist the spiritual formation of their students.
Student Leadership Conference #1 - September 25-28
This year we have to manage several changes regarding SLC. One of them is that we had to find a new venue for the event. Another is that for the first time we have two SLC conferences, back to back. The third change is that SLC is now open for middle school student leaders.
We just concluded the first conference, and we praise God for His presence and blessings in the lives of the 260 participants.
The theme for the conference was "Prepared to Lead". Our keynote speakers, Frank Cirone and Estuardo Salazar, taught on four pillars of leadership: Calling, Compassion, Courage and Commitment. Many students responded positively to the challenge to deepen their commitment to follow Christ in their personal path of leadership growth.
Besides the plenary sessions, students also participated in workshops to help develop their leadership skills and to encourage them in their personal walk with Christ.
Plenary Session at Student Leadership Conference #1
Following the plenary sessions, students discussed the important questions related to the plenary topic. These discussion groups were student led, and a great opportunity to learn from other students from different countries.
School to school activities helped students from different countries develop deeper friendship in the Lord.
It was beautiful to see that student groups chose to  spend time praying together and for each other.
During the discussion times and workshop times, chaperones also gathered to learn together and to pray for their students.
The evening snack time provided great opportunity for the participants to continue their discussion in a more informal setting.
The last evening, each school group presented their student action plan in front of their colleagues. The student action plans refer to specific plans of how each school group intends to apply what they learned at the conference as they return to their schools.

THANK YOU for your ongoing prayers and support of ACSI Europe's ministry!

Please pray for the following upcoming activities:

October 2-5 - Student Leadership Conference #2
October 7 - The Online Courses Begin
October 26 - Romanian Regional Teachers Conference
October-November - School Service Visits

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SLC report 2024

At SLC 2024, I recognized at this conference that my time abiding with God is one of the most formative and important parts of being a leader. I also saw myself realizing that I need to recognize my gifts in order to grow God's kingdom.

The Purpose of Education

The hope of Christ-centered education is not in education as the solution, but rather in Christ as the solution and in education as a process to knowing Him and engaging in His world.

How can I grow as a teacher?

To meet the commitment of investing in your own growth and learning as a professional Christian teacher, there are a variety of resources you can explore. Here are some valuable options to consider:

IELC report 2024

"The IELC 2024 was a blessed and overwhelming event full of knowledge, blessings, righteousness, and love of God. for me it was a necessary event to grow up spiritually and professionally."

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