
ACSI Europe publishes books in several languages. Please send us an email or call to place your order:

ACSI Europe
1182 Budapest
Óhuta u. 46.

Tel.: +36-1-292-6246


FUNDAMENTE FESTIGEN! - Grundlagen christlicher Bildung und Erziehung in der SchuleFirst The Foundation DE
Author: Dr. Stephen Kaufmann  (Size: A5, Pages: 90)
Price: for member schools: 6 EUR, for non-members: 8 EUR

Überall in Europa ist für Lehrer in christlichen Schulen die Zeit reif, dem in den westlichen Kulturen umgehenden Geist des Säkularismus mit einer auf dem Evangelium basierten und auf Christus zentrierten Botschaft entgegenzutreten. Auf dem Spiel stehen die von Gott in unsere Obhut gegebenen Herzen und Seelen aller Schüler in unseren Schulen.
Sind unsere Lehrer bereit, Schülern eine andere  Selbstwahrnehmung, nämlich die der Zugehörigkeit zu Christus und seinen Jüngern statt zu den Vertreten des Säkularismus, anzubieten? Dieses Buch soll Lehrern helfen, ihrer Berufung zu folgen, nicht nur Christen zu sein, sondern auch ihre Schüler als Christen zu unterrichten.
Stephen Kaufmann

In der Schule ein neues Lied - Denkanstöße für christliche Lehrer
First The Foundation EN

Author: Dr. Stephen Kaufmann  (Size: A5, Pages: 136)
Price: for member schools: 8 EUR, for non-members: 10 EUR

Dieses Buch hat er speziell für christliche Lehrerinnen und Lehrer
geschrieben. Es entstand auf der Grundlage seiner vielfältigen Kompetenz
und Erfahrung im Bereich christlicher Pädagogik.
Die Andachten in diesem Buch beschreiben den Klassenraum in all seinen
Facetten. Er ist ein Ort des Feierns und der Freude, aber auch ein Ort der Klage und der Umkehr. Insofern ist der Klassenraum ein Mikrokosmos, der die umgebende Welt abbildet, in der wir alle im Angesicht Gottes wohnen.
Stephen Kaufmann



Frank E. Gabelein: Wie der Glaube Schule Macht -

Das Problem der Integration von Glaube und Wissen

Der Autor will dem Anliegen dienen, christliche Bildungsarbeit zu legitimieren, und zu einem detaillierten Entwurf christlicher Bildunsgsarbeit beitragen. Mit diesem Werk wird ein grundlegender Schritt dahin unternommen. Hauptgedanke ist dabei, dass alle Wahrheit letztlich von Gott stammt, und die Überzeug, dass Glaube und Wissen integriert, d. h. in Einklang gebracht werden können. 

Preis: 9,90 EUR

Spezialpreis für ACSI Mitglieder: 8 EUR




essenceThe Essence of Christian Teaching

a joint publication by Driestar Christian University (DCU) and ACSI Europe

Price: 8 EUR

What are the characteristics of a Christian teacher? This book is centered around this question. Based on the Bible, The Essence of Christian Teaching provides guidelines for the everyday educational practice at any place in the world.

The ideal image portrayed in this book seeks to depict the teacher’s actions in the classroom in the best way possible. However, the book is not a blueprint or a program, but should be read as an inviting prospect. Christian educators from England, South-Africa, Hungary and the USA have given comments on this international version which have been incorporated into the book. 

Allegra McBirney: Andy und Katie und die Eindringlinge (FÜR KINDER)

EinAndy_und_Katie_DE_Page_01.jpge nette und wahre Geschichte über eine Familie, die eine Obstplantage besitzt und erfährt die wundervolle Vorsorge Gottes. 

     Preis: 1,5 EUR

    Spezialpreis für ACSI Mitglieder: 1 EUR


Author: Allegra McBirney  (Size: A5, Pages: 66 - with color illustrations)
Price: for member schools 2 EUR, for non-members 3 EUR

…a personal note from the Author…
WONDERFUL NAMES of JESUS is the latest of more than 50 books that I have written, and I feel that it is the most important of them all, because it focuses completely on CHRIST HIMSELF.
It introduces Him into every phase of our lives, assuring us that He has a special Name to match each situation, and each challenge…
My deep desire is that you will apply these Names to your every need: first for Salvation, and then for a life of on-going spiritual victory, and on-going spiritual excitement!
Allegra McBirney

FIRST THE FOUNDATION! A Primer for Christian School EducationFirst The Foundation EN
Author: Dr. Stephen Kaufmann  (Size: A5, Pages: 90)
Price: for member schools: 8 EUR, for non-members: 10 EUR

The time is ripe across Europe for teachers in Christian schools to confront the spirit of secularism, so rampant in Western culture, with a gospel-based, Christ-centered message. At stake are the hearts and minds of all students in our schools that God has put in our care. Will teachers be ready to offer students another way to see themselves as belonging to Christ as his agents rather than the agents of secularism? Will our schools be places that engage students to exhibit God's image- not merely to "fill up" with information - in all their learning?
This book is dedicated to equipping teachers to take up their calling not only to be Christians, but also to teach as Christians before their students.
Stephen Kaufmann

Meditations for Teachers ENMEDITATIONS FOR TEACHERS - Reflections for Christian Teachers About Their Work
Author: Dr. Stephen Kaufmann  (Size: A5, Pages: 138)
Price: for member schools: 8 EUR, for non-members: 10 EUR

Meditations for Teachers is written as a companion volume to First the Foundation! A Primer for Christian School Education. These meditations serve as illustrations of how to implement the basic biblical understandings of Christian school education that First the Foundations addresses. So what appears as theory and perspective in First the Foundations is given a practical and devotional bent in these meditations.
Meditations for Teachers can also stand alone as a devotional text. The sixty meditations are organized around the four themes of teacher, student, classroom practice, and school mission. Taken together the fifteen devotionals around each theme do present a perspective for understanding these four areas as a Christian teacher.
Stephen Kaufmann


You are also invited to visit the ACSI Global store to see what is available in the USA, as this is usually available to you here in Europe as well.



Christian teacher openings

Listed below are positions available in ACSI Europe member schools. If you are interested in any of the positions listed, please contact the school directly. Schools who are ACSI Europe members are welcome to advertise vacancies by providing a link to their current listings.

CSIP update for October 2022

Is your school engaged yet in the process of growth and learning provided for all our ACSI Europe member schools? It is a blessing to learn together using the tools provided in our Christian School Improvement Platform. Here is a summary of the latest updates.

October 2022 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

CSIP update for April 2022

Thank you for your participation in the Christian School Improvement Platform over the last 18 months! It has been a huge blessing to work more closely with our partner organizations and member schools as we consider how to better serve those in each country and language context.