Many schools benefit from collaboration with other schools in their region and throughout Europe. EU funding is also available to schools under certain conditions. ACSI Europe encourages this collaboration for mutual growth and suggests the following types of collaboration projects: 

  • School visits for leaders
  • School visits for teachers
  • Student exchanges and short visits
  • Collaborative mission trips or community service days
  • Collaborative learning projects
  • Cultural exchanges or festival invitations
  • High school sports or music competitions
  • Summer language / arts / music or sports camps
  • Resource and document sharing


After 31 July, 2021 this service will be discontinued as the Christian School Improvement Platform will provide a higher quality of collaboration and potential for school partnerships. CSIP is available to all ACSI member schools at

  • We are no longer accepting new submission for these School Profile Forms. 
  • You may access forms submitted in the last 2 years by logging in to CSIP.


REASONABLE EXPECTATIONS: Collaboration commitments are limited to 1 or 2 years. Remember that all schools have a right to decline collaboration. Please be considerate and do not ask for help or resources that have not been offered. European Union funding is available for school collaboration and this might be available to your school as your primary financial resource.

ACSI Europe seeks to facilitate and encourage collaboration but is not responsible for any funding or the success of any project.

ACSI Europe also offers an online course for teachers to develop international collaborative projects for their students with the following goals:

  • Providing International collaboration opportunities at teacher and student levels (with discounts for ACSI member schools)
  • Helping teachers develop meaningful biblical integration in their school subjects to facilitate character and spiritual formation of their students
  • Learning how to design effective projects for Project Based Learning
  • Developing your students' 21st Century Learning Skills (collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and communication)

Christian teacher openings

Listed below are positions available in ACSI Europe member schools. If you are interested in any of the positions listed, please contact the school directly. Schools who are ACSI Europe members are welcome to advertise vacancies by providing a link to their current listings.

CSIP update for October 2022

Is your school engaged yet in the process of growth and learning provided for all our ACSI Europe member schools? It is a blessing to learn together using the tools provided in our Christian School Improvement Platform. Here is a summary of the latest updates.

October 2022 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

CSIP update for April 2022

Thank you for your participation in the Christian School Improvement Platform over the last 18 months! It has been a huge blessing to work more closely with our partner organizations and member schools as we consider how to better serve those in each country and language context.