Christian School Improvement Platform

The ACSI Christian School Improvement Platform (CSIP) is a community where ACSI member schools can engage in self-assessment, define strategic goals and contribute to strategic development in partnership with other schools as they implement a Christian vision of education.

CSI Vision


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How can we learn and grow together?

  • School leaders often ask us to comment on how their schools might compare to Christian schools in other parts of the world. We want to help, not with comparisons, but rather by helping to identify those areas that may need more attention as you strive to fulfill your mission of Christ-centered education.
  • Understanding that each school is unique and in a long-term process of growth and maturity, each school is now able to strategically set goals for improvement using terms common to ACSI schools around the world using the CSIP self-assessment tool.
  • Working together as a community of schools is essential to support effective growth. CSIP provides a context which challenges each school to share their own expertise and strengths with others through the platform.


We want to help you to look into the right mirror using the CSIP Standards. This begins a healthy process of self-evaluation and strategic goal setting in collaboration with partners who are committed to mutual growth.

CSIP Standards provide a set of indicators for schools to evaluate their current vision for Christian education and its implementation at multiple levels. This article provides you with an introduction to the process and various elements of the platform. ACSI Europe consultants are available to answer any questions and provide support as needed.

The platform is now available to all Europe region member schools when renewing annual school membership. The Platform is also available to ACSI schools in other regions pending agreements with our office. A more detailed user guide is available here.


The CSIP Standards

The self-assessment is divided into five standards. Each of the standards describes a domain or area of focus for school improvement, and the rationale for including it in the self-assessment process for a Christian school.

StandardsEach standard has 4-7 indicators that identify an aspect of quality for a Christian school related to the standard. The self-assessment involves the school reporting its level of development on each indicator.  Each indicator has a related set of four descriptors, presented in a rubric, which the school uses to determine the extent to which its operations are consistent with the indicator.

For each indicator, the self-assessment team reports their school’s level of development as:

Screen Shot 2021 10 22 at 3Forming: the school recognizes its need to take significant steps in this area.

Developing: the school has taken steps towards quality practice but identifies a significant need for growth in this area.

Maturing: the school has established quality practice in this area and is ready to share their experience with others.

Flourishing: the school has gone beyond the level of quality expressed in the indicator and is contributing to the growth of other schools by sharing their experience and expertise in this area.


The ProcessCSIPgrafik2 en

Identify your team members beginning with 1 of the current users named in your school membership form. User accounts must be set up on the main website with the school code. 

Each member of your self-assessment team should represent various members of the school community. Ideally, this would include a school board member, a school leader and a lead teacher with input from other individuals or groups.

Each of the 5 standards are described here in an overview statement with buttons to view and respond to each indicator within that standard.

After submitting your self-assessment, a report will be generated with recommendations for your consideration. This report will provide a basis for your collaboration with ACSI and our network of schools as we work together to address your needs and provide opportunities to share your strengths with others for mutual growth.


Strategic Goals

Strategic Goals are essential for school improvement. By using your completed Self-assessment and latest Report, you can help your leadership team focus on key areas of needed growth.

After you examine this report, we recommend that you invite a few members of your school community and selected leaders from other schools to view this report and comment on potential strategies for development. This will set a context for your strategic goals and help your leadership team choose the resources and professional development tools to best address those goals.


Strategic School Improvement Plan

Based on your strategic goals, select the professional services available from ACSI and our partners which best help your school meet those goals. You may also add and edit the services which you host or in which you participate.

Use the platform to record the activities you have undertaken and the progress you have made each year as you work towards your strategic goals. Monitor, share and celebrate your progress towards your strategic goals as you implement your plan. Review your goals and make adjustments to your plan as needed.



The highest level of school engagement is the peer-review process, which provides accountability through relationships. (Now in development)

You may request a peer-review from a team of school leaders who have completed ACSI approved training for this process. This team will provide verification of your self-assessment and recommend special recognition for your school. This review can be completed in a 1-day visit or in combination with another event or activity hosted by your school.

ECCEN 2023 Invitation

In cooperation with an ACSI Europe partner organization in The Netherlands, we invite our Christian school leaders and colleagues to participate in this event from March 15-17 with the theme "Understanding the Times and Knowing What to Do".

Christian teacher openings

Listed below are positions available in ACSI Europe member schools. If you are interested in any of the positions listed, please contact the school directly. Schools who are ACSI Europe members are welcome to advertise vacancies by providing a link to their current listings.

CSIP update for October 2022

Is your school engaged yet in the process of growth and learning provided for all our ACSI Europe member schools? It is a blessing to learn together using the tools provided in our Christian School Improvement Platform. Here is a summary of the latest updates.

October 2022 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.