Stronger Together

Strengthening Christian Schools
Equipping Christian Educators

Europe map - By TUBS - Own workThis vector graphics image was created with Adobe Illustrator.This file was uploaded with Commonist.This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this:  European Union (orthographic projection).svg (by TownDown).This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this:  South Sudan in Africa (claimed).svg (by TUBS).This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this:  India in Asia (de-facto).svg (by TUBS)., CC BY-SA 3.0,

Romanian Conference Reports 2024

Conferences for Christian school leaders and teachers in Romania included 2 regional teacher events and a special event for school leaders in 2024. This summarizes the events with some key feedback from the participants who benefited greatly from their time together and collaboration in learning.

Vocational Education Event Report 2024

It was a blessing to be with educators from five vocational schools to learn from each other ways that we can serve students who are gifted with more practical skills and abilities and may struggle with the academic setting.

4th Forum on Christian Education

The IV Christ-Centered Education Forum, held in Madrid under the theme “Strong Roots and Wings to Fly,” brought together educators, Christian leaders, and entrepreneurs focused on integrating faith into education. The forum provided a space to reflect on the challenges and opportunities of Christ-centered education in the country, emphasizing the importance of collaboration among institutions.

SLC report 2024

At SLC 2024, I recognized at this conference that my time abiding with God is one of the most formative and important parts of being a leader. I also saw myself realizing that I need to recognize my gifts in order to grow God's kingdom.

How can I grow as a teacher?

To meet the commitment of investing in your own growth and learning as a professional Christian teacher, there are a variety of resources you can explore. Here are some valuable options to consider:

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Romanian Conference Reports 2024

Conferences for Christian school leaders and teachers in Romania included 2 regional teacher events and a special event for school leaders in 2024. This summarizes the events with some key feedback from the participants who benefited greatly from their time together and collaboration in learning.

Vocational Education Event Report 2024

It was a blessing to be with educators from five vocational schools to learn from each other ways that we can serve students who are gifted with more practical skills and abilities and may struggle with the academic setting.

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The International Educational Leadership Conference brings together Christian school leaders from across Europe and beyond to develop strategic collaboration and mutual inspiration. The theme of this... more...
Truth can be a difficult subject in our conversations, in our relationships and in our world these days. How can we know what is true? Who can we believe? How should we live as a result? Leaders who... more...