February 2020 Ministry Highlights

Dear Praying Friends of ACSI Europe,
Warmest greetings from ACSI Europe in Budapest!

We praise God for His faithfulness and blessings during the past months. The Lord opened many opportunities for us to serve according to the mission statement of ACSI: 

     ACSI exists to strengthen Christian schools and equip Christian educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire them to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

January 27-30 - Teacher Training for King David School in Chechia
Paul Madsen and Laci Demeter were blessed to share with the faculty of King David School from Poland. Topics for our training included:
  1. Recognizing the Common Needs of Children with ADHD and Autism
  2. Multiple Intelligences and Individual Approach to the Learner
  3. Foundations for a Successful Learning Environment with Special Needs Children (PLCs)
  4. Developing Social Skills (EI) and Building Classroom Community
  5. Motivating Student Growth (Building on Their Strengths)
  6. Working Collaboratively in an Integrated Classroom
The school is committed to the process of the ACSI accreditation.
February 4-5 - Brussels Consideration Meetings
Laci Demeter and Paul Madsen participated in the annual gathering in the European Parliament to discuss the challenges and opportunities of Christian schools in Europe with fellow Christian educators and with members of the parliament.
We also prayed for each other that the Holy Spirit would lead each of us in their respective roles to remain faithful to God's calling, and also to find ways to be a blessing to our communities.
February 4-5 - Brussels Consideration Meetings
In the EU Parliament

As part of our meeting, we listened to presentations from several countries of the EU.
In the picture, Tibor Abram, Hungarian Christian School Director, is giving a presentation on the Christian schools in Hungary.
February 5-8 February 5-8 Finland
Visiting four Christian schools in Finland and sharing at the Directors Meeting, and the Teachers Conference

Laci Demeter and Bert Vogel visited Finland to establish a deeper relationship between ACSI and the Christian schools in Finland.
In the picture: Plenary session of the Christian Teachers Conference. There were about 160 participants.
It was a special blessing to share with the conference participants and to see how we share the same vision for Christian education.
February 5-8 Finland
At the Christian School of Jyväskylä - Bert Vogel and Juha Kyyra in front of the school.
February 5-8 Finland
Christian School of Jyväskylä - Juha Kyyra and Teacher
February 5-8 Finland
Christian Teachers Conference in Jyväskylä - Group Discussion.

Both Laci and Bert taught a workshop
February 5-8 Finland
Christian Teachers Conference in Jyväskylä - Workshop for School Leaders

Bert taught an excellent workshop for the school leaders on Leading a Balanced Life as a Leader.
February 10-13 - ACSI Global Council Meeting in Orlando
Laci Demeter participated in the ACSI Global Council meetings in Orlando, Florida.
It was a special opportunity to work together with colleagues and seek God's will for the future as to how ACSI might grow and develop connecting and encouraging Christian schools globally.
We praise God for the special opportunity that the Global Council was invited to share with the ACSI Board, and also with Dr. Larry Taylor, the new president of ACSI.
February 10-13 - ACSI Global Council Meeting in Orlando
In the picture, Estuardo Salazar, ACSI Latin America Director, is sharing with the ACSI Board.
It is a privilege to invite Christian schools worldwide to join together for the Day of Prayer.
We can express our love to God and to each other as we join together for prayer with other Christian schools from around the world. Click on the link below to participate.
Please plan to join this premium leadership event organized by ACSI Europe
THANK YOU for your ongoing prayers and support of ACSI Europe's ministry!

Please pray for the following upcoming activities:

February 27-28 - Hungarian Administrators Conference
March 2-4 School Visits in Holland
March 4-6 - ECCEN Conference in Holland
March 14 - Romanian Regional Teachers Conference
March 24 (TUE) - Hu Baptist Schools Conference
March 26-28 - Romanian Administrators Conference
April 3 - Warsaw School Leaders Conference

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Posted: Feb. 14, 2020

Christian Schools Responding to Ukraine

These are difficult days but God is still working in us, in our students and in our schools as we serve Him together. Many are asking us, "How can we help Ukrainians?" Here are some resources for you and your schools.

International Class at DCU

The International Class consists of ten students from abroad and ten students currently enrolled at Driestar University.  It is meant to be a multi-cultural group where we focus on Christian education. This is a 3 month programme on campus in Gouda, The Netherlands.

Uniters and Reconcilers

The task of the Christian is not to whine about the moment in which he or she lives, but to understand its problems and respond appropriately to them, and, as Christian educators, to train young followers of Jesus to do the same.

March 2022 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

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