ACSI Introduces Global Core Standards for Teacher Certification

The Global Core Standards™ support the work of Christian school associations and training providers around the world with a common language and reference point for the training of teachers. Building on local excellence, the Global Core Standards provide a unifying reference point. Christian school leaders will practically experience the value of an ACSI Global Core Standard certified teacher in their schools. Teacher candidates for a teaching position or promotion will also find value in obtaining the ACSI Global Core Standard Teaching Certificate. Global Core Standards Teacher

The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) maintains global and locally relevant core standards for teacher certification that are biblically sound. These standards were developed by a global committee of qualified educators who answered the question, “What should every quality Christian school teacher know and be able to do?” The Global Core Standards are:

Standard 1: The candidate for teacher certification has a basic knowledge of the theory and practice of teaching.

Standard 2: The candidate for teacher certification understands God’s Word and can integrate it into their lives and teaching.

Standard 3: The candidate for teacher certification has a philosophy of education informed by a biblical worldview.

Standard 4: The candidate for teacher certification can develop integrated lessons that promote a biblical worldview for both the content and practice of learning.

Standard 5: The candidate for teacher certification is committed to his/her own growth as a follower of Christ.

You can find more detailed descriptions of these teacher standards with the related criteria on the Official ACSI Publication.


ACSI Europe and Teacher Certification

The ACSI Europe office is able to provide certain types of training that contribute toward this new criteria for "Global ACSI Teacher Certification". We are also in the process of determining various levels of teacher certification for our region and language groups and which partner associations and universities could help to support this process. The goals of this process include:

  1. Supporting and contributing to quality school improvement through standards based teacher certification
  2. Strengthening a culture of continuous learning for Christian teachers throughout the Europe region
  3. Partnering with Christian school associations and universities to meet common (global) standards for teacher training and certification
  4. Enabling the potential sharing or movement of teachers between countries and regions that includes common expectations for their knowledge, experience, attitudes and skills


Please contact us for more information.

Posted on March 8, 2023

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