October 2022 Ministry Highlights

Warm greetings to you on behalf of the ACSI Europe Team! Praying that this email finds you well.

This serves as a brief update on two major events: the Student Leadership Conference, and the Romanian Christian School Leadership Conference. We want to thank you for your faithful prayers for these events, their speakers, and all the participants. 

Student Leadership Conference - September 28-October 1, 2022

The Student Leadership Conference (SLC) held in Vajta, Hungary was the first live SLC after two years of online events, We were so blessed to meet in person again, and enjoy the sweet fellowship together. The worship, the plenary and workshop sessions, as well as the discussion groups make a much deeper impact as we see each other face to face.

We had a full house with close to 300 participants. Our theme for the conference is Steward Leadership as it applies to all areas of our lives. Our theme verse says a lot about it: As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace (1 Peter 4:10)

A detailed schedule with speakers of this conference is still available on our conference web app at: https://acsieu.org/slc/

Here are a few quotes from the students about their time at SLC this year:
  • I was challenged to think of my life in terms of what God wants me to be, not who I want to be. 
  • Before coming here I had quite a few questions and struggles about faith, I didn't really know what to do about it and I didn't really feel God's presence in my life. Here at SLC I have learned a lot about practical matters in the faith and my relationship with God has grown
  • I was challenged to be more like Jesus so I can reflect Him to the people around me to bring more people closer to Him. Also I was challenged to not let my emotions ever lead my life, but God's Will and Word alone.
  • I understand that God wants me to help serve others and build His kingdom, and that I am a part of God’s plan to help others know about Him.
  • I have learned that in order to be a good leader I have to have strong foundations and principles that I live by that are straight up with God in order to lead how He wants me to lead.
  • I came here with a group from school with some good friends, we've had some really deep, difficult conversations about faith and it's strengthened the bond between us. And I think we all got to feel some of God's presence, it was also impressive to talk to so many people from all over the world about the thing we all have in common, our faith in Jesus.
  • I want to develop a mindset that is more focused on others and that has his mind set on God’s glory, instead of my own.Please see some pictures from this wonderful event below.
During the school year our team organizes follow-up online meetings with chaperones and their students to encourage them in the implementation of the action plan they prepared during the conference, We also meet with the SLC student groups as we visit schools during the school year. Please continue to pray for a continued impact of the work God has started in the lives of these young leaders.


SLC location: Christian Conference Center in Vajta, Hungary

The room has quickly filled with the 300 participants

Paul Madsen, SLC director, opens the conference

Roslyn Barnes teaching a session for the chaperones

Worship is such an important part of the SLC program

Worship team

Discussion groups continue even after their scheduled sessions

Activity time. Praise the Lord for the beautiful weather!

Romanian Christian School Leadership Conference - October 20-22, 2022

This leadership conference took place with 30 participants at the beautiful site of Fundatia Emanuel in Valea Drăganului, about halfway between Oradea and Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The conference is the first live event for the Romanian school leaders after four years. We only met some of the leaders during these four year at the International Educational Leadership Conference.
The conference theme was “Inspiring School Improvement”. The ACSI team, Laci Demeter, Paul Madsen, Roslyn Barnes, Bert Vogel, Liviu Caprar and Liz Rauca served as speakers and discussion leaders on various topics that encouraged our kindergarten and school leaders to develop and strengthen a culture of school improvement in their school communities. We enjoyed worshipping and praying together, as well as hearing testimonials from all of the participants.

Please pray that this renewed vision for school improvement would help these schools and their communities become even stronger and better fulfilling their mission for God's Kingdom.

Conference site:
Fundatia Emanuel in Valea Drăganului, about halfway between Oradea and Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Liviu Caprar welcoming participants

Bert Vogel teaching and Geanina Gata translating

Praying in groups

Worship time with pastor Lucian Rauca and Paul Madsen
There is no event in Romania without singing!

Discussion time in groups of school levels

Conference Participants - facing the sun :-)

Thank you so much for your partnership and prayers,

Laci Demeter, Director, ACSI Europe Division

Please pray for the following upcoming events:

  • October 24-26 - French school leaders conference
  • November 5 - Romanian Teacher Conference in Caransebeș, Romania
  • November 11 - Austrian Christian schools event
  • November 12 - Finish Christian schools event
  • Please continue to pray for an increased engagement of our member schools in using the new Christian School Improvement Platform for their benefit and growth

Posted: Oct. 24, 2022

Christian Schools Responding to Ukraine

These are difficult days but God is still working in us, in our students and in our schools as we serve Him together. Many are asking us, "How can we help Ukrainians?" Here are some resources for you and your schools.

International Class at DCU

The International Class consists of ten students from abroad and ten students currently enrolled at Driestar University.  It is meant to be a multi-cultural group where we focus on Christian education. This is a 3 month programme on campus in Gouda, The Netherlands.

Uniters and Reconcilers

The task of the Christian is not to whine about the moment in which he or she lives, but to understand its problems and respond appropriately to them, and, as Christian educators, to train young followers of Jesus to do the same.

March 2022 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

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