Thank you for your partnership with ACSI Europe

Thank you for your partnership with us during 2017 to provide a quality, Christ-centered education for thousands of students in nearly 300 schools across Europe. This year has provided many opportunities to connect your schools, share in teacher training and professional development opportunities, promote the ministry of Christian education, support each other through prayer and enjoy rich fellowship. Two special highlights were the International Educational Leadership Conference and the Student Leadership Conference, both of which provided beautiful opportunities to invest in current and future Christian leaders. We share your hopes and dreams for the new year and look forward to serving together in the cause of Christian education for God's great glory.

2017 Highlights:

ielc laciMore than 180 Christian school leaders from around Europe gathered in Budapest for our 2nd International Educational Leadership Conference. We heard great reports of what God is doing through Christian education, made many new friends and learned much about leadership. Our conference theme was LEADING FROM THE HEART. Four keynote sessions addressed the various aspects of Christian school leadership, ten workshops in two sessions dealt with practical application of Christian leadership, and a panel discussion provided the opportunity for asking hard questions on Christian school leadership.

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Our 19th annual Student Leadership Conference focussed on "Leading with Wisdom". 372 participants from 42 high schools came together for this special time of learning, fun and fellowship. One school reports on the positive impact this conference made in the life of one student: "He came home full of enthusiasm and couldn't stop talking about what he has learnt and the people he has met. He has shown me his booklet, filled with his personal notes on the lectures and discussion groups and his plan on how to make his search for biblical wisdom part of his everyday life. His faith in the Lord was strengthened through the fellowship with Christians from across the world."

ACSI Europe recently published our first book in German - FUNDAMENTE FESTIGEN! Grundlagen christlicher Bildung und Erziehung in der Schule.Kaufmann de The first chapter of the book is available as a sample chapter: Chapter 1. The English title, First the Foundation, by Stephen Kaufmann, is also available in Spanish as well as several other languages including Romanian, French and Hungarian. It was written specifically to address the needs of Christian schools in Europe. You can order this publication now from us by email:

In 2017, ACSI Europe launched a new initiative called International Collaborative Projects. Our platform allows teachers to propose or join a collaborative project with another ACSI school. The collaborating teachers participate in our online course to develop their project using strong biblical integration and Project Based Learning methods. The subject-related collaborative projects are then are implemented by their students, working together in a common language.

collaborateACSI also provided several on-site training sessions for teachers, teacher conferences and online courses for both teachers and students. All of these events and services are designed to support and equip schools like yours in effective ministry to their community.

If you have not joined ACSI as a member school, you can do that now using our online form. We look forward to partnering with you in the coming year and trust that God will provide many opportunities to see young people learn, grow and be inspired to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ through the ministry of your Christian school.


March 2023 Highlights

Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of ACSI Europe! We would like to give you an update on the highlights of our recent activities and also request your prayers for some important upcoming programs.

Global Teacher Standards

The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) maintains global and locally relevant core standards for teacher certification that are biblically sound. These Standards support the work of Christian school associations and training providers around the world with a common language and reference point for the training of teachers.

CST 2023 national conference

In cooperation with an ACSI Europe partner organization in the UK, we invite our Christian school leaders and colleagues to participate in this event from February 17-19. It is sponsored by Christian Schools' Trust and hosted at the Hayes Christian Center in Derbyshire.

ECCEN 2023 Invitation

In cooperation with an ACSI Europe partner organization in The Netherlands, we invite our Christian school leaders and colleagues to participate in this event from March 15-17 with the theme "Understanding the Times and Knowing What to Do".